Chapter 6

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I am almost even more miserable with the bond, nearly preferring total solitude. I can feel the pull to my mate, but it leads me no where, running in circles all day, looking for him. It feels similar to a mousetrap; bliss so close, but its pursuit is so lethal, the risk of running into unwanted males high. Dangling just before my face and then ripped away, along with all my hope. A week has passed and still I have nothing but a deep, sensual voice speaking in my head. Maybe I only imagined my conversation with Atrovia. Maybe I am actually crazy and I am hearing my ideal mates voice.

"Calm yourself, my beloved. We will be together shortly, all in good time, dearest."

Sighing, I slow to a trot, his voice calming me. I do not know wether or not I should be alarmed of his affect on me. We haven't even met in person and he already holds the power over my emotions. My natural dominance has always prevailed in my relationships, usually causing strife between myself and other alphas, even my relationship with Callum can be tense at times. Aster has never relinquished the power to any wolf, but our mates.

I remember admitting to Acantha that I secretly longed for someone to submit to, as much as I despise it. No matter how much we deny it, every female longs to submit, myself being no different, it is just a hard truth in this world of superiority and natural hierarchy. We live as animals because we are animals, and someone has to submit, someone always submits. A relationship cannot function without an alpha, and they are always male, because mates are won by a females submission. This world is filled with every cliche, and that is how Atrovia made it, not even the most dominant females can change that.

I am suddenly thrown into a memory, one I never knew existed. Almost as if I had been hit with a bat.

When I was a pup, I had trouble submitting to my father and had shown signs of being more dominant than my older brother, the future alpha of our pack. My father decided to call an elder to evaluate my wolf. Though I had not yet shifted, pups are born able to communicate with their wolves. I have no recollection of my evaluation, but I do remember my parents speaking to me.


I sat patiently on the edge of my bed, kicking my little eight year old feet as they dangled off the edge. Father told me to sit and wait in my room while they spoke to the old guy, but I didn't leave until Mother gave me a lollipop. Aster doesn't like to be told what to do, but I like lollipops so I thought it was a good trade.

I hear Fathers footsteps coming up the stairs, followed by Mothers. Mother is always behind, or beside Father, she says it's because she loves and respects him very much and that one day, I'll find someone and do the very same. I giggle at the thought, all I said to her was that she is very silly. I can hear them whispering to each other before coming to a stop outside my door, although I have no idea what they're whispering about.

Father knocks on my door, for once waiting for my permission. "Come in!" In my excitement, I practically scream it, and with Mothers admonishing look, I settle down. They both walk in, sitting beside me on my bed. Mother breaks the silence first with her soft voice, "Dearest, do you know who that man was?" I look up at her, shaking my head no. "That was Elder Ronan, the royal families most trusted counsel member and the Kings childhood friend." I sat there, processing and understanding the information just given to me. I may be young, but I am far more advanced intellectually than my peers.

Father speaks this time, "Do you know why he was here?" His deep, gruff voice a testament to his stoic personality. He has always been all business, but he cares deeply for his family.

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