Chapter 8

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***AN/ I just wanna say that I am so grateful for my loyal readers.


I wake up to rumbling under my head, the feeling of something stroking my arm, and am surrounded by warmth. Too tired to investigate, I snuggle back into the warmth. I fall back asleep but five minutes later I am disturbed again by the return of the rumbling. A soft chuckle sounds and a warm breath spreads across my face. Irritated, I groan and try to peel open my eyes a little to see who is disturbing my sleep. I crack one eye open to see a bare toned chest, I then look down to see my arms wrapped around a body and my legs tangled with another set, one of my legs draped across a waist, leaving no room between the two bodies. Confused, I look up into the amused eyes of my sexy male.

Frightened, I jolt out of bed and flop onto the hard cave floor. Wow, that was so graceful.

"Good morning love." His rough morning voice is so sexy that it makes me shiver. Or maybe it's just the cold hard cave floor...Keep telling yourself that but I love the sound of mates voice. Oh keep it to yourself Aster.

My face turns tomato red and I can't meet his eyes. "Uuummm, hi? I mean-um-good morning?" That wasn't awkward. "Sorry about-" I gesture towards his body and the bed, "-all that." He just laughs. How is he acting so completely normal while I'm so completely awkward? His face shows exactly how amusing this situation is to him. He looks to me, a mischievous smile on his face. Oh dear, what is he up to? "Oh love, you are my mate, I love having you close. In fact, I'd actually like to be much closer but that can wait for another time." He winks and I feel his eyes take over my body. I raise one eyebrow, eyes looking everywhere but him, my mouth opening and closing trying to form a sentence. Not coming up with one, I blush even harder. "So I'm going to make some breakfast. We'll talk later." I find my voice but it comes out high pitched. I turn and high tail it out of there, his laughter making my blush spread from the tips of my ears to my chest.

I start the fire in the fire pit, placing a large, skinny stone I like to pretend is a skillet on top of two stones outside the fire pit, creating a table of sorts over the fire to cook on. I feel the heat of the fire on my skin, cold from the lack of contact with my mate, warming me. Grabbing two of the fish I caught last night, I season them with some herbs I found growing in the area, placing the fish on the makeshift skillet. The meat sizzles and smoke rises, the breeze carrying the smell up to my nose, taunting my empty stomach. The heat from the fire causing sweat to roll down my face, down my neck, further and further down my body, trying to cool my skin down. I wipe the sweat from my brow, completely focused on my task at hand.

"You shouldn't be so shy, you are my mate and I intend on claiming every inch of skin on your body." His lips press against my ear, his deep voice sending shivers down my body. His hands are suddenly on my waist, pulling my back firmly against his chest. I am completely surrounded by his much larger male body.

He may be my mate but I barely know him. I try to pull his hands off me. I can smell what's on his mind and I won't be having any of that. His hands stay firm on my hips despite my efforts, so I try to protest.

"Dariston, I'm-mmmmm-" His teeth graze my ear as he starts nibbling on it. I feel him smirk against my neck, smug at his power over my body. He starts kissing down my neck slowly. I try again. "D-mmmm-Dariston." His tongue flicks out as he tastes the skin his mark will be placed.

"Ah, I love the way you moan my name. I should mark you now." I gasp as he chuckles. He suddenly pulls away and I shiver at the loss of his skin touching mine despite the fire in front of me. He walks away as I continue cooking breakfast. "Do not worry love. We have things to discuss after breakfast." He calls as he walks away.

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