Chapter 7: Interactions

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Third Person POV

Danny, Tucker and Sam sat in the food court of the mall. Sam had two bags of new clothes by her feet and was eating a salad. Danny and Tucker were digging into the burgers and fries they had ordered while Sam looked on in disgust. "Ugh, will you boys ever learn to actually chew your food?" She questioned.

Tucker and Danny looked up from their meal. Before either of them could reply, a blue mist passed through Danny's lips. His eyes narrowed, searching for the nearby ghost. Screams could be heard behind him and Danny whipped around to see technology flying out of all the nearby stores and peoples bags. It all swirled around a familiar annoying and white haired ghost. "Technus." He grumbled.

Sparks: Aw man, not that loser again

Danny shot out of his seat into the nearby men's room. After making sure it was empty he cried, "Going ghost!" and let the two white rings wash over him, morphing him into his alter ego, Danny Phantom.

Technus laughed as the devices flew around him, "I, Technus 2.0, master of all things technology, will take all of your technological devices. And with them, I will soon control the world!" The devices floating around Technus grew closer and closer to him, forming a large robotic suit. Technus' green face appeared on a large screen on the face of the robot. People around him screamed in terror and ran away as fast as they could.

Sparks: *wraps arms around TV* If he touches my baby he's dead meat.

Blitz: *rolls eyes*

Danny Phantom flew out of the bathroom and straight for the giant mech Technus had created. "Hey Technus! Nobody likes a shoplifter!" The giant robot turned just in time for Danny to deliver a punch to it's face. The robot was knocked back a few steps, crashing into multiple stores. But the smiling face of the technology controlling ghost was still on the screen. In a burst of speed, the robot ran out of the mall, smashing the entrance to pieces. Danny quickly flew after it, hurling ectoblasts at the large mech.

Sam and Tucker watched the two leave and continue battling. Tucker sighed, "Can't we ever just have a normal hang out for once?"

Blitz: Ha! That's like me, wondering if I'll ever have a day where Sparks doesn't get us into some crazy trouble.

Sparks: Hey! That doesn't happen every...

Blitz: That's what I thought.

Sam pulled out her trusty Fenton Wrist Ray and a Fenton Thermos. "For us? This is normal." She grabbed Tucker by the arm and pulled him alongside her, "Now stop complaining, Danny needs us." Tucker ran alongside his gothic friend, pulling out his PDA.

"I'm tracking Technus' location." The nerdy teen stated. "With all that tech he's probably going somewhere..." Tucker trailed off before saying a concerned, "Uh oh."

Sam continued to run, but stole a glance at her friend. "What's uh oh?"

Tucker looked up at her. "He's heading straight for the city's power grid! If he gets there and drains the power, it'll be a city wide blackout!" He explained. The two hurried as fast as they could to catch up to their friend and his foe.

HELLO I AM THE AMAZING LINE BREAK! That's all. Have a nice day! ^-^

"Hey, Mr. Pines? You might want to see this!" Soos shouted from his room. Ford and Dipper shared a look, before running into the room where the rest of the group already was. A female reporter was on the screen in front of a partially destroyed mall.

"This is Tiffany Snow, reporting live from the site of a recent ghost attack. Witnesses state that a ghost calling himself, Technus, attacked the mall, transforming himself into a large robot. Witnesses also say that town hero Danny Phantom was seen attacking the ghost. We go live to Lance Thunder who is currently tracking the fight."

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