Chapter 5: Lunch Time

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A/N: Hey peoples I'm baaaaaack!

Sparks and Blitz: AND SO ARE WE!!!!

Me: Yes, and you better behave this time. I'm still paying for the damage you caused in the last chapter!

Sparks: *mutters* Stupid stall deserved it

Me: Anyways, sorry about the long wait! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Third Person POV

"This cafeteria food is pretty good." Mabel said, taking a bite of her ham sandwich. Dipper and Mabel were currently sitting at a table in the large cafeteria. Dipper nodded, eating his own sandwich. His gaze was locked onto a nearby table where Danny and two other students were sitting. Danny looked up from talking to his friends and saw Dipper staring at him. He smiled and gave him a friendly wave. Dipper just looked away. Mabel saw her brother was distracted and looked to where his gaze had been focused.

She smiled and turned back to her brother, "Did you make a new friend?" She asked.

Dipper shook his head, "No, but I may have a suspect." He stole a quick glance back at Danny's table. "Do you know who either of those other two kids are? The girl or the guy wearing the weird hat?" Dipper looked to his twin.

Mabel looked over at the table, "I don't either of the boys, but the girl is in my art class. Her name is Sam... Manson, I think."

Sparks: I sense a potential friendship

Blitz: I don't think so, Mabel is waaay too cheery for Sam


"Hey guys." Wendy appeared at the table and plopped into the seat next to Mabel with her own tray of food. Mabel began excitedly telling Wendy about how her day has gone so far and asking Wendy about her day, while Dipper continued to glance at Danny's table.

All of sudden, the meat in his sandwich began to float upwards. Dipper stared at the floating meat in surprise and saw that all the meat in the cafeteria was floating. It began to gather in the center of the room, mashing together and forming a giant...meat monster? "STUDENTS! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR MEATY DOOM!" The meat monster cried. Students ran from the cafeteria screaming. Wendy and the twins followed the crowd of people out of the cafeteria, but Dipper paused when he heard the meat monster cry out in pain.

He turned to see Danny Phantom attacking the meat monster. "How did he get here so fast?" Dipper wondered aloud.

Mabel grabbed her brother by the arm, "Uh, bro-bro? Now is not the time to stand around thinking about your theories!" Dipper blinked and realized the danger of the situation. He let Mabel drag him out of the cafeteria where Wendy was waiting. When she saw the kids she smiled and rushed over to them.

"Man, I thought you guys got hurt or something!" She said as she stood next to the twins.

Mabel assured her that they were alright and Dipper went back over to the cafeteria doors to peek inside. He was shocked to see that there were two other kids in there fighting the meat monster alongside Phantom. It was both of the kids who had been sitting at Danny's lunch table. "Dipper, come on. We gotta get out of here!" Mabel said, pulling on her brother's arm.

The three of them ran out of the school onto the front lawn, where most of the students had gathered. Students were huddled in groups and teachers were desperately trying to calm the panicked teens. A loud explosion could be heard and a figure was soon flying through the air. The figure landed on the front steps of the school with a cry of pain. It was Danny Phantom!

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