Chapter 4: Welcome to Casper High

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A/N: Hello my lovely peoples! How are you? Good, I hope! Just wanted to quickly say that in this Danny, his friends and the twins are in grade 9 and Jazz and Wendy are in grade 11. I'm not sure if that's accurate but hey, it's a story about different dimensions. Anthyding can hadplen! (points to whoever gets the reference)

Sparks: Can we get on with the story already!

Blitz: Yeah I'm bored!

Me: *rolls eyes* Boy, you two whine a lot. Maybe I'll get you some cheese for it

*laughs at own joke while Sparks and Blitz cringe*

Third Person POV

"I can't believe your uncle is making us go to school in this weird dimension," Wendy grumbled as she and the twins made their way to the local high school. When they had learned the name of the school was 'Casper High' they couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it.

Sparks: Was that a correct use of irony?

Blitz: What are you asking me for? I'm no English Major. Besides, I'm still hung up on Phantom's bad joke

Me: *yells from across the room* IT WAS COMEDY GOLD AND YOU KNOW IT!

Mabel was happily skipping alongside her brother and friend, "I think it'll be fun! New dimension means new friends!" Dipper raised an eyebrow slightly. He didn't want to hurt Mabel's feelings by telling her that after the transporter recharges, they'll most likely never see any of the people again. So, he just remained silent and fiddled with the straps of his new backpack.

After the group had returned to the hotel room, they had all gone out shopping. Since they were going to be staying in this new dimension for who knows how long, they were going to need clothes and groceries. Luckily, this dimension had the same type of currency as their home dimension. Even if it didn't, Stan had said he could easily 'make' a few bucks. Everyone had frowned at him when they realized what he meant, Dipper and Mabel especially. They did not enjoy that cell.

"So what grade are you guys in now?" Wendy asked, snapping Dipper out of his thoughts.

Dipper shrugged, "Nine."

Wendy nodded, "Cool. I'm starting up grade eleven. Didn't think I'd have to prepare for it so soon though." Wendy chuckled and Dipper joined her. Mabel was still happily skipping alongside them. Before they knew it they arrived at the large brown building. Students littered the grounds, all clustered into groups. Dipper sighed, it was yet another place for him to be bullied. Wendy nudged his side and the 'technically a teen' looked up to her. She gave him a small smile, which he returned. Mabel grabbed his arm and gave it a reassuring pat. He was glad to have his sister with him in the journey.

"Guess we better go sign in," Mabel said with a smile, pulling her brother towards the school.

"No need," Dipper said, "Great Uncle Ford told me that he had already made arrangements." The boy gently pulled his arm out of his sister's grasp to take off his bag and set it on the ground. He pulled out three pink sheets of paper. "He also gave me these. I think they are our timetables." He handed one to Mabel and one to Wendy and the three read over their sheets.

Wendy groaned, "Ugh, of course I get math first period."

Sparks and Blitz: THE HORROR!!!!!!!

Me: *groan* Not this again

Mabel cheered, "I have art!" She turned to Dipper, "What about you bro-bro?"

Dipper looked over his pink sheet, muttering to himself. "English." Mabel frowned as she was not going to have her first class with her twin.

Wendy patted his shoulder, "At least it's not math dude. I'd gladly switch with you."

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