You are not alone

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Madrick was home. It took a moment, but soon everyone grew used to his appearance. However, it seemed that since RaNul was destroyed, many of his kind requested time with him. Madrick met with the demons, but expressed that he had no interest in ruling his father's realm. The demons grew concerned. If Madrick did not take over, a lesser demon could and that could wreak havoc. Belinda listened. She didn't want her husband in danger, but what if something or someone more sinister took control of that realm. Wouldn't that endanger them even more.

One night after several fire demons had gone, Belinda sat up. She sang to Vedric, as she waited for Madrick to join her. He walked in and knew instantly that she was worried.

"Belinda, I swear on all that I am, no one will harm you." He whispered, pulling her into his embrace.

Belinda sighed, "I talked with felicity. The demon, Roedan, was evil, deadly. He did not hesitate to kill. If Ranul's throne goes unclaimed, anyone can take it, Madrick. If another assumes power, he can come after you again. I know you don't want to rule an evil plane, but what if you took over and maintained peace."

Madrick shook his head, "I can't become what my father was. I am demon, love. To take over that plane, I have to devolve. I have to become the thing I despise the most. The part of me that is decent won't survive. If I take the post, I will never see you nor Vedric. I won't allow myself too. "

Belinda gasped. "Madrick, what are you saying?"

"Ranul was a sick twisted bastard. But he left me here. He left me where someone would care for me. He only came back when he needed me to feed his demon. He didn't care who he hurt or how. He planned to drain me and in a few more centuries, he would come after our children." Madrick exhaled. "If I go, I have to leave you and him for good. I must disappear because I could never endanger you or him. Think about this Belinda. Are you sure you want me to go?"

"It can only take over if you let it." Belinda exhaled. "I know you. I know what you are capable of. I love you and have loved you for as long as I can remember. You need to rule that realm, but you don't have to be like RaNul. You are Stork, my husband, my friend, my love. You are a good, honorable man. Don't let evil win."

Madrick's eyes glowed. "We are one now." He growled. Belinda did not step away. Madrick grabbed her arms to push her back when his child spoke Daddy.

"I can't abandon you. You believed in me more than I believe in myself. I don't deserve you." He whispered, embracing his wife.

Belinda held her husband. "It's OK. It's scary, but we will make it through this."

Madrick held her close. "I know we will." He whispered. Then he sent to Matthias.


Gao was silently watching her mate. He wanted to tell her something, but was nervous. "Out with it, Wolf. What secrets re you hiding." Go demanded.

Andrew, who was lying beside her rolled over."Promise me you won't yell." He stated.

Gao frowned. "Nope, but go on."

Andrew exhaled, "Inuit and Kade are on their way here. They are visiting castle MacLean as we speak. I have given them permission to come to the compound and talk with us tomorrow."

Gao froze. Andrew waited. Then she exhaled, "OK,how long are they visiting?" She asked all nice and calm. Andrew grew suspicious. His mate was too calm. He checked their bond, and nothing.

"Gao, I know you despise her, but..." He paused.

"She is the way she is because our clan was the way it was. I am furious at her for trusting our enemies, but something was different about her when they left. Besides, Zara talked about her so much, I'm curious. It will be fine. I can be civil." Gao promised. Andrew was relieved.If Gao welcomed her, then the rest of the pack would relax.

The day went on uneventfully. Conor and Caitlyn were anxious. Caitlyn actually had Kade's home cleaned, and was awaiting her guest. Soon the two dragons flew in. When Kade and Inuit arrived, they were greeted by curious onlookers.

She was not surprised to see that Inuit stayed behind her husband. The female dragon had been banned and was not to return to parklands for any reason.

"Kade," Caitlyn rushed forward. Kade hugged his leader as he stepped aside and she greeted his wife cordially. Conor also greeted him, but unlike Caitlyn, he gave Inuit a quick embrace.

The four talked, and Caitlyn told Kade his home was ready for them and they were expected to joined them for dinner later. Kade took Inuit back to his home. It was exactly the same as he had left it. Inuit was quiet. Although, she was happy her husband was well received, she still felt out of place. A small part of her wondered, if he was not invited to stay in Castle MacLean because of her. As guest, it was ridiculous to have an entire house cleared for them.

Kade was in the shower when he heard her thoughts. In all honesty, a part of him thought the same, but at least they allowed them to come home. Sending Inuit a mental hug, Kade reminded her of his love. She smiled and showered her mate with love. This would not be easy,because she still had to face Gao.

As they prepped for dinner, Ciara, the twins,and the boys arrived. Knowing this would be a tense evening, Ciara sent calming waves to everyone involved. When Inuit and Kade arrived, emotions were under control.

The pack talked before dinner, with Inuit saying very little. She had nothing in common with these women. They had children, and she did not. They had careers, but she stayed home. They had husbands that saw them as equals, while hers was just accepting her.

She was not like these women. Soon dinner ended and the women decided to leave the children with the men. Taking Inuit with them, they went out. Inuit was nervous. Social scenes did not bode well for her, and she was right. As soon as the small group entered a local night spot,the atmosphere changed. Men looked at Inuit and lusted. Caitlyn had to admit,the girl was beautiful. However, she realized that she never sought such attention. As the women talked, several males approached. "Inuit politely refused and most walked away, except one.

"Inuit, you remember me. We were good friends."He teased. Inuit blushed. Her past was her past. The others were silent.

"Please leave me alone. I'm not that person anymore." She whispered.

Caitlyn grew annoyed as the man persisted."Girl, for the right price, I bet you will be."

He grabbed her hand, and she snatched her hand away. "Look, bitch. I'm willing to pay. Last time, he let me have you forfree." Inuit went still.

Caitlyn signaled for her guards. "Take this bastard out of here. Sir, I am Laird of this land and Inuit is a part of ourclan. I have heard all I can stand to hear. I don't care what kind of creature you are; I will have you beaten within an inch of your life if you ever bother this woman again. If you value your pathetic existence, then go now."

He swallowed, "Bitch ain't worth it anyway." He walked off. Inuit dropped her head as tears of humiliation fell from her eyes. Ciara spoke, calming her. The other women offered comfort as well. Inuit was crushed. I am what I am. Kade doesn't deserve this. She thought castigating herself.

Like magic, Kade, Conor, and several others appeared. Kade went to her immediately. Caitlyn explained what happened. Kade lifted her chin, wiped away her tears, and kissed her gently. Then sitting and holding her in his embrace, he kissed the top of her head. Everyone gasped. Two messages were sent at that moment. She was his, and he loved her despite her past.

Caitlyn smiled, and in that moment, Inuit formerly of the Ming Clan became, Inuit of the MacLean Clan. Conor and Caitlyn smiled. Gao gasped as a bond formed with Inuit once more.

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