Excitement in the packlands

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I'm so excited. In this chapter we get to meet Bryn, Cali, Maddie, and Stuart. These guys are from the wonderful story being written by CelticCat. The story is called "Storm of Possibilities", which she is in the process of writing. She has been so gracious in allowing me to use them to enhance this short tale. Thanks CelticCat. I hope you all enjoy.

Highland Pack Ch. 2

The other pack members walked in, so the women had to get to work. Savia sent Haven to sit with her sister, and Dreya felt so guilty. She was always getting her brother and friend in trouble. Naru sent her a mental hug, as did Haven. Since bonding with the dragon kids, the three cubs were closer than ever.

All three kids felt sad about disappointing their mothers. But each mom hugged their little one and then could not help but laugh at the look on Matthias's face. Mari faced Valkyre, "Your son will get away with everything. His dad is a real softy."

Valkyre laughed and hugged her husband. "He already does. Just like his cousins." She teased.

Brecken, Rayan, and Yuri entered. They met earlier to map out what jobs needed doing. They could tell immediately that something was wrong. Love, what's wrong? Rayan sent.

Suni replied, Your daughter is too much. I'll handle it later.

Yuri was always alert. Savia sent him waves of calming love. Our daughter has true friends here.

Brecken sent to Mari and she told him his son was into mischief again. Brecken laughed. Then the kids joined their fathers. Matthias and Valkyre joined the kids and their fathers, who each looked confused, then Brecken broke out in a smile. Brecken scented his son, and he knew. His son, his boy, shared a blood bond with one of his dragon cousins. Brecken sat wearing a shit-eating grin. His son was too darn smart.

Yuri still looked shock. He listened to the vampire as Savia sent him a reassuring hug. Haven sat beside him, face downcast, as her friends sat on the other side of the room. The three friends were inseparable, and he suspected that they may have hid this little secret for quite some time.

Dreya looked at the vampires. She was upset that they told on them, but before she could finish her thought Haven spoke. It's OK, Dreya. They are only trying to protect us. Dreya in her few years of wisdom sighed and accepted her friend's words.

I'm sorry you got in trouble too, Haven. The little she wolf sent. Naru yelped and everyone looked his way. He was excited, Mera and her mother entered. Forgetting that he was on punishment, the little wolf ran over to his friends. Mera hugged him and greeted him. Then she noticed that Dreya and Haven weren't with him.

Rayan watched her expressions and he suspected that before this morning ended, they'd know which dragon shared a brother or sister bond with their young.

Someone was in trouble, and she suspected that she knew why. Mera shared a look with her mother. Just then, Alpha Andrew sent. Mera, come here, please.

Dutifully, the young she wolf went to her alphas. She was ready to explain, but then Gao smiled. "Sweetheart, which dragon shared a blood bond with the young ones?" She asked.

Mera swallowed, "Madam Gao, a few months ago, I was watching the little ones when some of the dragon children came over. Shawn brought them, and I got distracted. Anyway, the kids marked each other, but they seemed fine. Shawn and I checked them and no one seemed be hurt. We assumed everything was OK. I found out that the kids can vanish and visit each other a few weeks ago, but I was scared of coming forward. I'm sorry." She whispered.

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