We're With You

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Gao called Mera once more. Mera come back now! she sent.

Mera replied, Madam Gao, I'm sorry. Shawn needs me. Then she muted the bond and left the forest.

Gao was upset. The she wolf blatantly disobeyed a direct order from her Madam Alpha. She had to deal with her. Then, Andrew entered. He reached for her hand. Gao thought. If something happened to him, I'd go search for him and not give up until he came home. He's mine.She found that she was not as upset with Mera as she should be. They'd talk, but in this situation she could understand.

Andrew squeezed her hand tightly. A fight was coming and he prayed they were strong enough to withstand it. Andrew alerted the pack and everyone went on high alert. The wolves closed rank, and the dragons, some of them, dispersed immediately.

Andrew knew they had guest visiting. He took a moment to speak with them and try and reassure them that they were safe. He was not surprised when the African wolves volunteered to fight with him. Baako joined the men, as the alpha called everyone to a meeting. He and his brothers went even though they were not members of the pack. His mate was going into a warzone and he was not letting her go out there without him. Being that they were guest and not pack members, Andrew asked that they not attend the pack meeting but to simply relax and give the pack members time to strategize. Baako and his brothers waited.

However, Baako's concern ratcheted up when dragons reappeared. He and his brothers talked. If they were home and someone attacked, their alpha would ask any guest to stand down also, but they were warriors and could help. They were just what this pack needed. His alpha was a lot like Alpha Parks. He did not keep secrets from his pack either. He also realized that here dragons were just as important to this pack as the Were creatures. Soon, his brothers had questions. "Baako, is it wise to say here? The alpha clearly does not want us involved. Are we going to go against his wishes? If there is trouble we need to go. Alpha did not send us here to fight." Apayo stated. He knew this was true, but he would not run. Gina was here and he was staying.

"Alpha would not be pleased if we ran like cowards. He considers this pack friend. I will contact Alpha for guidance." Baako stated.

His brothers nodded and waited as Baako sent to his alpha. His alpha told him, if Alpha Parks approved, join them. Baako smiled, and relayed the message to his brothers. The three brothers stood ready. If MacGregor thought they were going to war without them they were wrong. Baako and his brothers waited. As the pack met, the other guest joined them. Stork eyed the three dark Weres cautiously. Baako and his brothers moved away from the couple. Belinda was instantly annoyed. As she was about to speak Stork asked, "Why do you fear me? I have done you no harm."

Apayo answered, "You are evil, a demon. Nothing good will ever come from your kind."

"My husband has done you no harm. How can you judge him so harshly? You don't even know us." She stated.

Apayo eyed Stork. Disgust etched in his face. Stork was used to being watched warily, but here things were different. "That is true, madam, but I faced a Nemyra before. They are vicious monsters. They feed on life forces. I have been here and I have watched you. You are a decent man, but the demon sleeps within. If he is ever freed, I hope you can control him." Baako explained. Belinda gasped and held her husband's hand tighter.

The five chatted. Belinda looked around. Something was wrong. "Stork, we must help them." She whispered. Stork agreed. Baako heard her and he his brothers shared a look. It was obvious that this man was harmless, and would be a valuable ally to this pack.

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