Just Bring It!

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"So, I guess junior thinks he's ready to face daddy." Two of RaNul top demons teased as Madrick entered the demon realm.

Madrick was not fazed. He knew all he needed to know. RaNul was old, selfish, and had no real heart. He fed off of others. That was how he lasted for so many millennia.

"I'll give you a choice. Leave now, or fight for RaNul and be banished for all eternity." Madrick stated. The demons laughed, RaNul joined them in their laughter

"Madrick, my son, you think you can defeat me. You challenge me in my realm. I made you boy, and I will feast on your soul." RaNul hissed. "Let me tell you the truth, son. Ezra never loved you. He didn't give a damn about you. He only wanted to keep you from me."

For a second, Madrick believed him. Then he remembered Belinda, Vedric, and Astredon. If RaNul lived who would be able to stop him from hurting his family. He remembered Shawn. That young man was tortured by him.

"I'm done talking." Madrick attacked.

The demons joined in, each one attacking this half-breed that dare attack their master. Madrick was outnumbered. His heat hammered. His blood raced through his veins. Several demons feasted on him, yet he had one goal in mind. He was getting to RaNul.

All of a sudden, the demons that covered him were snatched away. He didn't look back nor question. He went after his father. Lilith and Mareya had one thing in common. They wanted to be free of RaNul. The women fought with Madrick. RaNul felt he would be victorious until he realized, many of his demons no longer cleaved to him. He looked, and it was obvious, they were truly loyal to hs son.

"You fools, when I destroy him. You all will perish." RaNul attacked. Madrick fell to his knees. He was prepared. He blocked and soon stood under the grip of his father's assault. He advanced and RaNul trembled. Madrick fed, his demon feasting on the fear of his father.

One of RaNul's betas, struck, knocking the young demon down. Mareya intervened, taking the brunt of his attack. Lilith screeched as she aided her friend. The three demons then fought against an enemy that was once a friend. They had to win for RaNul was cruel, deviant, and heartless.

At home, Belinda's heart froze. Her husband was in danger and she could not help. She began to cry as she cradled her unborn son. Valkyre joined her as did other family members. The women wanted to help, but all they could do was comfort each other.

Belinda closed her eyes. She knew, after tonight, her husband would be different. The Nemyra was strong. She sent him love and Madrick had to block her as well. He had to focus. He had to defeat his father because that's what he needed to do to protect his family. Then something happened; two of his father's fighters vanished.

Lilith and Mareya followed. The four demons appeared at the coven. Valkyrie was ready to fight, but before she could, two female demons intervened. The women retreated, as their husbands joined in the fight.. soon the attacking demons were killed. Mareya spoke. She explained that she and Lilith would stay until the fight ended. If Madrick failed, they would guard his wife and child. RaNul could not win.

Matthias and Gus returned home immediately. Stuart stood. Matthias rushed to Valkyrie's side. Gus checked on Felicity. Both women told them about the attack. Lilith and Mareya never left Belinda's side.

Mareya and Lilith stayed near Belinda. Each demon stood guard. Lilith did not speak, but deep down she was jealous of the female vampire. She had a husband that loved her. She would soon hold her son in her arms. To top it all, she had a family that was willing to die for her. Lilith had no one. Mareya approached her with her plan to gain freedom from RaNul. She hated him. She wanted him gone.

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