Strange Bedfellows

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Here is chapter 3 of Highland Pack.  The characters in this story are from CelticCat's new story "Storm of Possibilities". She is in the process of composing this tale. Alex and Her Bears is another story of hers that I simply adore. I apologize for the mix-up.

This story is self-edited, and all of the characters that are involved in any adult activities are above the age of consent. Please share your thoughts and remember to vote. IR2R


Outside of Gao and Andrew's home, Inuit sat staring. She was miserable. She thought of her companion that she'd just left. She despised Myles. He was simply vile. He hated everyone, and Inuit was under no illusions that he cared about her at all. It hurt. Deep down, she hurt knowing no one gave a damn about her, but she survived. That was one thing she knew how to do.

Myles was despicable, but she didn't love him. She didn't want to see him again after this. He was a just means to an end, a tool to exact her revenge. Since joining forces with him and Mercul, she had gotten closer to Gao than she ever had since Kulkrit's death. Her disdain for her companion grew as she remembered her lover, Kulkrit.

As harsh as Kulkrit was with her, he was her kind. Inuit admitted a few things to herself. It had been a while since she had lain with someone, and the vampire was good, extremely talented in bed, but he was not Kulkrit. He had many things in common with her long lost lover, but at least with Kulkrit, she was accepted amongst her people. She recalled all of the times she was with Kulkrit. So caught up in her memories was she that she was not aware of three dragons surrounding her.

Three guardsmen from MacLean surrounded the distracted female. Kade, their leader, was in awe of her beauty. Soon she awoke from her musing, and took a defensive stance. Kade spoke. "Who are you and what are you doing spying on the pack?" Inuit turned and right there flying beside her was the most gorgeous blue and black dragon. Her breath caught. She was impressed. However, he would not know it. "Come with us." Large, dark, and sexy demanded.

"Why would I go any where with you?" Inuit demanded. "You three are disgusting. You protect a pack of dogs, and a tainted female dragon, no less. Leave me be. I'm not bothering anyone, so you have no right to accost me." Inuit stated haughtily. She was alarmed, but they would not know it. Her bluster had served her well in the past so she relied on it now. The males shared a look. This female was either clueless or very foolish. No one besides Laird MacLean and Mrs. MacLean defied Kade.

Kade was annoyed, even more so because he scented another male on her. VAMPIRE! He fumed. "You insult Gao, but spread your legs for a bloodsucker. At least she is mated to her wolf; you're just a cheap piece of ass." He added, turning his head in disgust.

Inuit hissed and flew at him. How dare he insult her? Whom she chose to bed was not his concern. Who was he to judge her? She survived. You did what you had to do to survive in this world. So what if she found comfort in an unlikely source. It wasn't his fucking business. He was an ass. Inuit was tired of being insulted and made to feel like a whore. She was many things but a whore she was not. This male, this dragon would eat his words. In anger, she attacked. Kade continued to avoid her strikes even though a few landed.

Finally growing tired, Kade and his men surrounded and subdued her ended her attack. Don't hurt her. Kade ordered, and the men calmed. However, she still struggled. Inuit fought the restraints the men held her in even harder.

For a second she was young again. She fought then too, but to no avail. In her memory, she was a young woman on the cusp of woman hood when Kulkrit grabbed her the first time. She was terrified, and when he was done, she flew home. Her mother told her to stop crying, that was the way of the world and she needed to learn that. The sad thing was Kulkrit was not the first, there were several before him, and she learned to just be quiet.

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