Single Tears that Stain the Soul

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What we are doing is wrong. What we are eating is wrong. How we are living is wrong. The truth is covered up with lies. What we know is a lie. A world wide lie. 

*This is going to be long so brace yourselves...or just skip to the poem, but I would really appreciate it if you could hear what I have to say* :p

Eating meat is wrong and unhealthy. Killing animals is wrong. Hunting. Fishing. Are all wrong things to do. First comes the killing of animals. What have they ever done to you? Their only bad deed was to live; what's evil about that? You stare at the plate of steak in front of you hungrily. "Oh my gosh this looks so good." But have you ever stopped to think where it came from? Did that cow have a family? Did it have a child? Was that cow feeling happy before it was dragged away to a factory where it was locked up and shot? 

All that pig did, was lie in mud all day, I mean, it didn't ever curse you, or harm you, or mock you; so why kill it? A chicken is a mother. Have we really stooped so low as to kill those mothers? In some countries, cows are considered sacred. They never harmed the female cow, as they were like humans in many way. Isn't eating meat wrong if it means that innocent lives will be lost? Plus its unhealthy. You will be risking your health in a great number of ways if you eat meat, isn't just better to stay away?

Hunting. I am greatly against it. I know that there are many, many people out there you enjoy it, but I am just expressing on why I disagree with them. (Please understand that I don't intentionally want to hurt anybody's feelings. And I really am sorry if I's a hug to make up for it, *hugs* :) Hunting was used from ages ago, when it was a necessary mean for survival. But here it the modern day, there is no need for it. We have vegetables, fruits, nuts, and so much more to satisfy our hunger with. Why hunt when you don't have you? Why hunt at all? Hunting means killing. Killing means murdering. And nobody should do it. 

These creatures have feelings, senses, thoughts, and emotions just like us. Us, just like them. Don't just go out there with your gun and shoot down those birds. What did they ever do to deserve this unfortunate, deadly fate? Do you really want to kill those animals just for "sport?" Just because hunting is "fun?" Because to me, killing seems wrong. And eating that seems wrong too. If you were a crocodile swimming and living life, when suddenly someone traps you, kidnaps you, and shoots you just so they could "try something new," how would you feel? 

Yeah. That's what I thought.

Fishing is just as bad. The population of fish in the ocean is dropping. Way more than two thirds of the large fish are already gone. Just so we could satisfy our taste-buds. We need those fish or it will greatly unbalance the food chains. And if it does, it affects the climate, which affects the food, which effects us as a population. And is only one of the things that cause global warming. Eating meat, believe it or not does too. In ways that you probably could never imagine. 

So just think about it. I may not have a big voice, or am super famous that everyone will listen to me. I'm not a popular nutritionist, or a big food critic, I'm just a 14 year old girl trying to spread the word. If you don't believe me, that's fine, because there are a million other people who think the same way as me. One day the human race should realize our mistakes. Well let's make that day today.  

*Thank you for reading that if you did. If you didn't, that fine too, I understand. But anyways, here's the poem.*

Single Tears that Stain the Soul 

What we do can affect the world.

What we say can change the population.

If only you could stop to listen,

About all of these correlations.

A single tear may stain our soul,

And break that person's heart.

Well if a billion people cry a tantrum,

It may tear this world apart.

What one person does, may not make a change.

Yet if one person does so, in groups of humanity,

Then we could change what needs to be changed,

And save ourselves from this insanity.

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