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The day had started off nice, sunny, and birds chirping happily. Bellamy had woken me up after the sun had come up and we walked around camp making sure everything was in order. The sickness took a toll on everyone and put us all on edge. For most of the criminals, it was the return of one person that set them on edge, John Murphy. Murphy had been helping and pulling his weight around camp but, no one was willing to risk what he could do by having him back. Clarke was clearly upset about the whole Exodus crash, but now she was even more determined to help out. Everyone else was helping in whatever way they could. After the bridge was blown up, no one had a clue as to how long it would take the Grounders to recollect and start this war back up.

Toward the end of our little walk, Bellamy and I went to go and tell the people on watch to switch.

"First watch is over, go relieve Monroe on the south wall." Bellamy commanded, pointing off one way, to one of the many criminals that surrounded the wall. He continued to walk off toward everyone's favorite blonde. "Let's go talk to Clarke for a minute, yeah?"

I nodded my head, not really caring where we went, as long as I was out of camp in some possible way.

"Anything?" Bellamy asked Clarke, who I guess was on watch.

She shook her head, "No, maybe the bomb on the bridge scared them off for good."

I raised my eyebrow in surprise at her response, "Do you actually believe that, Clarke?" Bellamy nodded along with my question. "I don't think they give up so easily."

"No," She whispered lowly. "They'll be back."

"Uh, Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder." Bellamy said, changing the topic as he walked back toward the gates. "He said if he gets more sulfur and Raven said she can turn that into more landmines, so watch where you step." Bellamy told us,  throwing a smirk over his shoulder to make sure we heard him. "Both of you."

I lightly giggled at his playful comment.

"Ha, funny." Clarke smiled, who knew Clarke knew what smiling was?

"What we really need is more of Raven's tin cans, so we can roll them into their village and blow them to Hell." Bellamy spat frustrated. I gently grabbed his hand from besides him and gave it a slight squeeze, in return I got a slight smile from him. "That's what they want to do to us." Bellamy reminded her after seeing her uneasy expression.

"I can't believe that after 100 years of surviving in space, we come down to get slaughtered." I shake my head at the fact that Clarke was spot on, and 100% accurate. "There has to be another way."

"Any word from the Ark?" I asked her gently, knowing it wasn't one of her favorite things to talk about, not knowing if we will ever be able to talk to them and if she'll ever find out about her mom.

"Radio silence." She replied shortly.

"Finally ran out of air." Bellamy rolled his eyes.

With a quick nod Clarke replied, "Maybe my mom was lucky, being on the Exodus ship. At least it was quick." She took a few steps toward camp before turning back, "No one is coming down to save us."

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After Bellamy and I made it back to camp I split off to go and do some sort of work for the camp. I found myself in the smokehouse with no other than Octavia and Murphy.

The meat was hung from the ceiling and the fire created a heat that no one could stand with even a single layer of clothes on.

Del approached the smokehouse with logs of wood for the fire. He walked through the doorway and dropped an armful of logs onto the already semi-large.

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