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Earlier in the day Bellamy had carried me from the dropship to our shared tent. I am currently laying on the bed with the fur blanket, that he had made out of one of the animals he had killed, spread over me. Bellamy had taken my boots off so I was more comfortable and given me another one of his shirts so I could cover myself and not have to just wear a bra. I mean not that he was complaining.

I had no clue as to whether my baby was alive or dead. I don't know how I am supposed to know if it is of not. Clarke said I will know sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. I can't live with not knowing.

I was in our tent waiting for Bellamy to come back with some food and more water. I can definitely say my appetite has not changed and I still constantly want food. Hopefully a good sign. Clarke was also constantly reminding me to stay hydrated. Doctors.

The door to the tent opened causing me to quickly look away from the book Finn and Clarke had given me. I was hoping it would be my loving boyfriend with food but, nope. Just Clarke and Raven. Yay.

"Hey, how're you doing?" The blonde asked.

"You know, as good as a person would be after they were stabbed. And as good as a pregnant woman could be after hearing her baby might be dead." I responded to her sarcastically. I was honestly super annoyed with be asked if I was okay. What do you want me to do say no? Then what are you going to say? Oh yeah, that really sucks.

"You need rest, Marley." Clarke told me as she fixed my bandages.

"I'll tie her down if I need to." A loud voice calls out. I looked past Raven to see Bell with food in his hands.

"Kinky." I smirked. Clarke and Raven glanced at each other awkwardly. "Oh come on you guys have slept with the same person. And this is awkward?"

"I'm not going to be in camp today, so Bellamy can you change her bandages later for her?" Clarke questioned my boyfriend who had fully stepped into the tent and carefully placed my food down on the makeshift bedside table. He got me some sort of meat, nuts, and cherries someone must of picked.

"Wait where will you be?" I asked my doctor.

"It's a little assignment from the Ark. Nothing to worry about." Clarke told me shaking her head.

"Hmm, have fun in the middle of the woods, Blondie." I mumble loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thanks for the food, Mister."

"Oh yeah, there's one more thing," Bellamy said before he left the tent. He came back a minute later holding something behind his back. "I present to you," He announced waiting for a drum roll. I quickly started patting my legs making a drum roll sound. "Blueberries!"

"Holy shit." I smile. "Where'd you get these?" I yell excited jumping up onto my feet. I may be pregnant but I am most definitely willing to stand up for blueberries.

"When we were going to find Octavia I saw them. I had Monty and Jasper make sure they weren't poisonous or anything. You know, don't want you to go and get poisoned again." Bellamy explained frowning at the end.

"God this is why your the best boyfriend in the whole universe." I said giving him a big hug. As I looked behind him I saw Raven and Clarke giving is a confused look. "Okay, I may slighly like blueberries." I told the two.

"Uh, no. Slightly is not even close. She is addicted to blueberries." Bellamy explained to them turning around still with his arms around me.

"Come on Clarke, we should head out." Finn said sticking his head in the tent.

"Make sure she stays in bed, Bellamy." Clarke demanded to Bell.

"Sounds like a plan." Bellamy agreed.

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