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"Marley," A gentle voice repeated lightly shaking me awake. "Wake up, baby."

"What?" I asked groggily, still sleeping for the most part.

"I need you to wake up. I have to leave camp and I'd like to tell you where I am going. But, to do that you need to be awake." The voice explained to me.

After a moment of considering going back to sleep, I slowly opened one eye to see Bellamy squatting down next to the bed. I opened my other eyelid slowly and sat up.

"Yes?" I questioned quietly pushing my brown-red hair out of my eyes.

"Well, last night after you fell asleep, there was an exodus crash. I guess the Ark sent one down, but the parachute didn't deploy fast enough." Bell told me. "Clarke's mom was on the ship and Clarke wants to go and search the landing spot."

"Oh," I said sadly. "Well thanks for telling me. Tell Clarke that if she needs to talk I'm here?"

"You got it, Missy." He stated planting a kiss on my awaiting lips.

"Stay safe for us." I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more."

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

It was now dark and Bellamy and his group of delinquents were still out searching the site. I had been doing little things around camp to help out, but nothing major. Like usual.

I did another circle around the main fire and decided to go and find O. I spotted her and Monty on the wall where the guards took watch. I made my way over to them and shouted up. "Hey, besties."

The two looked down at me with smiles covering their faces. They joined me on the ground and we listened to the bullshit Jasper was feeding the others.

"Tell us," Harper demanded. "How'd you stay so calm? I would have been terrified."

"Fear's only a problem if you let it stop you, right?" Jasper told the group of girls awaiting his answer as if it was the key to survival.

"That's not even his line, Finn said that." Octavia informed Monty and me.

 "I saw the Grounders in the trees and it was like, nothing I had ever felt. It was like pure animal instinct took over. One pull of the trigger, two Grounder dead." Jasper told the group receiving looks of appreciation.

"Pure animal instinct? More like pure pants-wetting panic." I bitterly laughed telling Monty and O.

"You don't really know what you are made of until a moment like that. You know?" Jasper questioned looking into the eyes of the girls surrounding him. "When it's kill or be killed, when there's nothing between you and the tip of a spear."

"Okay this has to stop," Octavia demanded as she started to walk toward the boy making up stories about his bravery.

"Let us have this." Monty replied, stopping Octavia from going over to his friend.

"Us?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow curiously. "How does him getting the attention help you?"

"Look at him, the boy is a folk hero." Monty smiled widely, his eyes sparkling slightly with happiness. "They even gave us a bigger tent."

Everyone's conversations were interrupted by the sound of the cans attached to the trip wire moving around.

"Someone hit the trip wire!" I yelled to the camp.

Whispers were heard around camp regarding the possible threat. "I got nothing." One of the teenagers on watch shrugged pointing his gun down.

"I got nothing either." Conner claimed still looking.

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