Chapter 2 *Sneak peek*

Start from the beginning

"Yes sir," I mumbled.

"Good," he smiled the fakest smile I'd ever seen, and trust me, I've seen a lot of them. "Now as I was saying," he continued his ignorant speech. "The tests are how we'll help you choose your weapon and group.

"I will now tell you all which rooms to go to," he took out a sheet of paper from his back pocket. "The Black people go over to room 6. The White people stay in here. The Asian people which include the Brown people can go to Room 2. And any other race can go to Room 4," he finished his stereotypical speech.

Right after he finished his speech everyone proceeded toward their designated area. While I, on the other hand, made my way toward my ignorant brother.

As I got closer to him I noticed him talking to someone.

"What do you mean she's going to be in our group?" As I got closer toward him I could hear the conversation.

"She has all the abilities you need in the group so I don't see a problem," Ash responded.

"Our group is called F—" The guy Ash had been talking to stopped dead in his sentence as soon as he had seen me. That was when I recognized him immediately. He had been the first guy I had ran into this morning. Ash must have noticed his mediterranean sea blue eyes piercing through someone other than him which made him turn around to meet my emerald green eyes shooting daggers at him. Ash kept glancing back and forth at us until he finally broke the silence.

"So," he uttered "Um I don't know if you already met but Axel this is Rachel, my sister, and Rachel this is Axel." I snickered at his name.

"If your name is Axel, is your last name Wheel?" I attempted a joke.


"Wait, your joking right?" I burst into laughter. "That seriously can't be your last name."

"Does it look like I'm joking," his stone cold face told me he was completely serious.

"So," I look around, "where has Ash went?" I came to a realization that he's not here anymore.

"You must have scared him with that face of yours" Axel stated.

I glared at him, "go to hell."

"Been there. Devil didn't quite like me and spat me right back out," he smirked.

Just as I was about to make a rude remark at him he grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the door and out into the hallway.

"No need to be so aggressive. If you wanted me that bad, all you had to do was ask."

He glanced back at me," Rachel?"


"Shut up."

I glared at him but still kept silent.

"Follow me," he ordered.

"Okay," I mumbled, "but I'm only following you because I want to, not because you told me to."

He just rolled his eyes at me.

"Keep rolling your eyes like that and hopefully you'll find a brain back there," I continued.


"You made me walk all the way here just to show me a brick wall?" I wondered.

He just shook his head and pulled a brick out of the wall and the whole wall opened revealing a pathway. Axel started walking down the path while I'm standing there awestruck.

"Are you coming inside or not?" Axel asked impatiently. "The wall will close any minute now."

"Right," I shake my head and follow him shortly after I get out of my trance. As he had said, the walls closed right when I entered.

Wait, why did I follow him again? He could be here to murder me for all I know.

After contemplating for a good minute I followed him in the tunnel. There was a glare of light streaming through the darkness as we kept walking further until we reached the place he was taking me.

My jaw dropped at the sight before me.  The whole room was filled with weapons of all sorts, some that I'd never heard or seen of.  On the other half of the place was a large black mat which covered more than half the place. There was a treadmill, punching bag, and other workout materials.

Axel turned around and scowled at me.

"What?" I glowered at him.

"When I told you to 'follow' me, I didn't know that your definition of 'follow' was that you have to stop every ten seconds and stare at everything," he shook his head and continued walking.

I frowned at him. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was on his time of the month.

I followed him all the way to the other side of the room just to see another door.

Axel opened the door that revealed an dark room.

"Are you planning to murder me?" I half joked raising an eyebrow, but the other half of me was actually scared that he would kill me.

"Just go inside the room," he sighed. "The room will just test your abilities and see which weapon is right for you."

"How come everyone else is getting tested in the other rooms, yet you brought me here?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because you're 'special'," he narrowed his eyes "and not in a good way."

"What do you mean I'm 'special'?"

"Stop asking questions and just go inside." Axel pointed toward the room as if he thinks I wouldn't know where it is.

Without arguing, I stepped inside the room.

As soon as I stepped inside the door closed, the darkness started to frighten me.

-End of Chapter 2's Sneak peek-

A/N: I know I haven't updated since December but since you guys have been asking me to update I decided to at least give you guys a sneak peek. Hopefully I'll be able to finish writing this chapter and I'll update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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