Chapter Fifty Three

Start from the beginning

"Wow," her eyes roved over the rogue, and her playful mouth widened into a grin. "I'd hate to see the other guy."

Iris barked a quick laugh. "Rough, isn't it?" she said. "My sister did me in, I'm afraid."

Azabela's grin turned knowing. "She finally told you, then? About the Cricket thing."

Iris nodded. "She did."

Now she turned to both of Hench's mates. "Hello, there," she waved. Shiny teeth flashed at the both of them. It wasn't hard to see that the both of them found her striking by the way they studied her. Respectfully, they held their tongues. Brawler squinted at her, and then a profound sense of humor played in his eyes once he understood.

"Gods," he was the first to speak. "Ye wouldn't hap'n to be Miss Azabela, would ye?"

The huntress looked surprised for only a second. "Clever guardian," she ducked into a mock bow. "Indeed I am. Azabela Stryder, in the flesh. I'm surprised she spoke at all of me."

"Only cas I forced it outta her," he chuckled. "Names Thomas. Go by Brawler here, though."

She nodded. "If you're Brawler," she reasoned. "I'm guessing you're Cane?" She recounted the names she'd heard in her beloved's stories.

"Or Frederick," Cane offered his real name and stood to shake the huntress's hand. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am."

Azabela took the handshake. "Likewise."

"How are you related to Hench?" he asked politely. "I don't believe she's ever mentioned you."

Azabela's face warped into a wild smile. Oh, this one didn't know. "We're not blood related, actually. My grandmother and I actually took care of her for a couple of years before she came here. We've remained close ever since." Brawler snorted at that. The room sobered after that, and Azabela went over to Hench. "She had an episode then, didn't she?"

"Yes," Iris was the one to answer. "She started attacking."

"Hm," Azabela said, looking concerned, and took a seat on the bed. "That hasn't happened in a long time. What set it off?"

"She talked to all the guardians earlier that day about," Iris paused, "about what happened."

Azabela nodded. "Figured it had something to do with that," she stroked Hench's hair lovingly. "When she was far younger, she'd have those spells all the time. She calls them terrors. They send her back to the estate, and turn everyone into enemies. It's very sad." Azabela sighed, and then chuckled at Iris. "If there is a next time, try and run. Wait for the venom."

"Lesson already learned," Iris said, motioning to her face.

"I can see that," she chuckled. Hench began to mutter something in the bed, and started moving about. Azabela whirled to face her. "She's stirring. Iris..." she paused. "I wouldn't be here when she finally wakes up. Knowing that she hurt you is going to be... hard on her. It would be best if you let her get settled before letting her see you."

Iris stood and nodded. "Understood," she said. Despite the fact that she really wanted to be there for her sister, she took Kayde by the hand and they both left.


So... dizzy. Hench woke up after what had felt like only a few minutes of rest. Her eyes blinked open to look at the ceiling. Why did she feel so... so nauseous? She tried to move to find her wrists tied down. Huh? She tried to pull them up again, but restraints held them. Inwardly, she panicked for a second. Why was she being held down?

Then, she felt it. The sharp little pricks on her leg. The sensation of tranquilizing darts flooded her memory, and she was suddenly aware that she'd had an episode. Hench took a gasp of air. Oh gods, she'd had an episode! Where... where was she? She forgot for a second. She looked forward to see Brawler and Cane sitting by the window at the foot of her bed. The morning sun shone through.

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