Chapter Sixty Six

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A/N -- And another. Got about 10-12 more and that's a wrap on Guardian! About 1-2 more (depending on how long the next chapter is) until crazy.

Also, there are weight measurements in this chapter.

For my non-American fans: 2.2 pounds= 1 kilogram.

Because of the guardian trials, Zayn Rothstead had already signed his oath of silence. Because of his intensive Cricket search and because he'd agreed to help the sanctuary with the march against the baron months ago, he'd already met Rhalla a few times. Therefore, only Iris accompanied Dregar and Ra to Hench's office.

Iris walked out a few yards in front of the two men when they got in sight of Rhalla's office door. Both men let the rogue go first, staying far enough out to not pry into Rhalla's business. Iris was different. Iris went up and put her ear against the wood to make sure she wasn't going to interrupt anything important. When Iris heard no talking inside, she knocked lightly. "Oh, sister..." she called in a sing-songy voice.

"She's not in here," came a voice that was very obviously Hench's. "And she's not drinking on the job either."

"Does my sister, who's not in her office, care if I come in and ask her something?"

Hench grunted. Iris took that as a yes. She signaled to Ra and Dregar to give her just a minute and slipped in. Rhalla sat with her big boots propped on her desk and a bottle of dark beer in her hand. She looked at Iris once and took a swallow of her drink.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" came her drawn out reply.

Iris grinned. "Are you still sulking in here?"

"This shit's for the birds," Rhalla snorted. "Secretary work? Not my specialty. I hate filing." She removed her boots from her desk for the time being. "And the oath of secrecy gets old real gods damned fast."

"I'm surprised Master Dyran has you doing this. Doesn't he usually have your friend Cane working on this stuff?"

"Mhm. But today it's me," she answered. "Apparently, I'm sturdy, therefore intimidating, or whatever."

Iris choked with laughter. "Did Master Dyran actually say that?"

Hench grinned. "Yeah, in more words than that, though. Because of course he said it with the flair of a fucking butterfly princess." She straightened and clasped her hands in her lap in a proper imitation of the guardian master. "I believe it went something like Rhalla, my dear. I have a request for you to consider. Yes, tomorrow the soldiers will be marching to the sanctuary. As you know, each will be required to take the oath of silence. Due to the abundance in their numbers and extensive military experience, I am disinclined to leave it to just our secretary, especially as I do not know the character of each man. I believe it would be better to leave the task to you, as you are in a position of higher power here. And furthermore, I believe your presence will be better suited to inspire each of them to be on their best behavior while they join us in our halls."

Iris let out a loud laugh at the impersonation. It was near perfect. "You've done this before, I bet."

Hench winked. "Shh."

"But yeah, you're right. Pretty much translates to be a good beef-steak and scare the bad men into being nice." She looked over her sister's attire. "Is that why you're wearing the muscle shirt?"

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