Chapter One

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"And Allison's name cracked the dead pool," Scott explained, waiting for my reaction.

"Continue?", I asked him not knowing what he was going with this. I already know that Lydia cracked it last night.

And that I was number one on it, worth only $50 million.

"Aren't you scared? You're the only human on it and you're worth more than anyone on it! You're on a supernatural hit list, worth more than every actual supernatural on it!", he whispered furiously to me.

"Scared? Nah. Angry? Hell yea. I want to speak the the author, the producer, the creator of this dead pool and tell their āss that I'm priceless, an antique, the nation's treasure, tryna label me like I'm worth only $50 million as if", I tried to joke around

To be honest I'm scared as hell but everyone's too sad, depressed to be put down by someone like me. If there's anything I've learnt from Allison is that when times are hard, there always has to be one person who has to be strong and keep the pack together.

You've experienced more loss then them

But as always I ignored that thought and tried to make people happy and laugh at the worst cases.

Scott just looked at me and sighed exasperatedly. The bell rang and I grabbed the rest of my books and closed my locker.

"I guess that's my que, Scott stop worrying so much", I ruffled his hair up and walked to my class.


"This class is longer than Channing Tatum's-"

"Kendall! Quit interrupting, class is nearly over any way", the teacher hissed. I groaned obnoxiously and stretched my back as the teacher rolled her eyes.

"Okay class can anyone give me a synonym for anything?", my English teacher asked.

"School!", I yelled hyperactively.

"And what?", the teacher looked at me confusedly.

"Well there's lots, there's prison, hell, death, drinking bleach, getting run over by a bus connected to a truck, Eichen house, signing up for the military to fight my man kimmy Jon down at Korea, shoving a cactus up you're-"

"Okay Miss Argent I think that's enough. For someone who is the smartest in Beacon Hills High, you really act stupid to maintain your 'class clown' rep", the teacher grumbled.

"For a teacher who teaches English, you really get me", I fake gasped while putting my hand on my chest.

The bell rang and I got up to walk over to my locker but before I got out the teacher had called me.

"Tara really? Can't you just let me go to lunch?", I moaned annoyingly.

"Firstly it's Ms Riley, you lost the right to call me Tara ever since you started making this class your comedy show", she replied.

"Now you either tell me the truth on why you decided to become disruptive or you can say bye to lunch until the end of this year"

I huffed and walked over to pull a seat next to her table and sat down looking at her with 'you have got to be joking' eyes.

"And you have to be 100% honest. You used to be my closest student and I know when you lie", she continued.

"Ms look I really don-"

Venatrix- Brett Talbot Love Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon