He quirked an eyebrow at me. ‘What did you say bitch?’ he snarled at me. His fists curling into tight fists and he stormed his way towards us. I pulled myself away from Mum and took a step forwards, protecting her with my body. Fear was clawing in my abdomen; fear was already telling me to shut the hell up. This would hurt a lot.

I didn’t reply.

He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me to the ground. I let him push me. I let him control me. I knew I couldn’t stand a chance against the burly man. He used to be the light-weight champion and he still had the bulk in him. He started kicking and lashing out, venting his pent-up anger on my body.

I could hear Mum screaming. I groaned when his kicks and his punches were aimed solely at my ribs. Mum latched onto him, pleading and begging to let me go. He pushed her aside roughly, making her cry out. I forced myself to stand up, even with tears in my eyes and I limped towards her.

Before I could reach her, my arm was shoved backwards and then I fell to the ground in a heap. Before I could comprehend what was happening, a boot smashed itself onto my wrist. I let out a scream, pain stricken my face. The damn boot kept smashing and stomping onto my bones then I heard it break.

That audible crack-

I gasped and shot upright, clutching at my left wrist. I was breathing heavily and as I looked around seeing the still unfamiliar living room, I breathed a sigh of relief. My ribs creaked when I moved and I winced softly. That was a just a dream, just a dream. I let out a breath and ran a hand through my hair.

That was almost realistic.

I could feel the fear pounding in my veins. I glanced over at Mum who was fast asleep on the other side of the couch. I glanced at the clock on my phone and sighed again, it was four in the morning. But I was glad that it was already the weekend. It meant time to relax and heal. I pocketed the phone into my pocket and made my way silently towards the kitchen counter to make myself some coffee.

I was slowly sipping coffee when a knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Glancing at the clock on the wall, three hours had passed. Wow, I spent three hours daydreaming. I shook my head and padded my way towards the front door, peeking to the peep hole seeming satisfied that it wasn’t my Dad before opening the door. I should’ve checked how he looks like.

In front of me was a replica of Jase.

I stared at him and he stared back at me. ‘Err… Jase is still asleep. Come on in,’ I spoke in a rush, pushing the door wider to let him in. Oh man, I totally zonked out in front of him. It’s not as if I had never seen a twin before in my entire life. I shook my head and watched him enter; looking at my Mum’s sleeping form before closing the door behind him.

He watched the scene in the living room slowly. I just stood there not knowing what to do. From the reaction, I guessed Jase hadn’t told his twin what had happened. I sighed, this is going to be messy. He turned around and raised his eyebrows at me, watching me furtively. He really looked like Jase but I can see the difference, instead of aqua eyes he had a pair of sharp blue eyes.

‘What’s going on actually?’ he asked me, frowning a little.

‘Err well, it’s a long story. We’re just staying here temporarily before we get our own apartment so-‘

‘Jack, what the hell are you doing here?’ The both of us turned to see a half-naked Jase standing by the doorway of his bedroom. He looked like he just woke up, his hair was a mess and he looked pretty tired. But he doesn’t look happy seeing his twin in the same place as him.


I backed away from them and silently made my way towards Mum who was still fast asleep despite the commotion in front. Jase let out a strangled sigh and then I saw him retreating before getting out with a shirt on. He told me that he’d be out for a moment and then he left with Jack in tow.

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