Episode 8

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dun dun dun dun dun...

EPISODE 8!!!!???? *gasps* the queens are on the roll *smirks* 

Heyo ROYALCREW!!! Our pride and joy!!! *whispers* actually thats pizza but lets the kids have their fun ;)

Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It's been a short while but we had lots of fun making you guys smile and laugh or just sitting on your beds thinking what weirdos we are XD

As a new year's present, we'd like do start doing one shots ;) here;s a sample

*clears throat* presenting CoQueen#1's one shot:


Title: Seeker's Kiss

I'm Amelia Carmen.

Just like most girls out there but with a different personality. I hate a lot of things and only like a few. But unlike other girls, i don't fail.

Correction, i can't fail.

I as arrogant as they come and my stubbornness doesn't help, i'm a girl on impulse that you'd think needs to be locked up. I don't cry over little shoes or ponies, i don't care about what people think or expect from a person because i'm,

Amelia freaking Carmen

And getting into fights, real fights, are my oxygen. So i bet you all can imagine where i am right now.

"Awee what's a girl like you doing in this kind of place huh?" a buff looking stupid guy decided to choose this very moment to ruin my drink. He slides in next to me on the empty barstool and his so called friends gather around. I ignored his question and took a swing of my vodka which, i might say gives me some buzz and logic to kick this guy's arse.

"Oh nothing... i thought this place was competitive for them fights.." i stop and eye him up and down before continuing, "... but from the looks of it, this place has shitty competitors" ending my sentence with a smirk, i finished my drink with a last swing and was getting up to leave before a hand that was not exactly mine comes in contact with my wrist.

I turned to the buff guy and his group of jackie chan wannabes, and raised an eyebrow in question. He starts to tsk at what i said and pulled my hand so that i was forced to come closer.

"... ah but you see, you haven't seen nothing yet have you!?" he reaches forward to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ears, i didn't try to dodge because i might as well break his bones for that later. I was about to snark an awesome comeback when the club's music went down and hushed voices filled the air. Although they were speaking among themselves, a name that i have been looking for suddenly filled the air.

"Seeker?.. He's here?"

"I heard Seeker was here just a moment ago..."

"What's happening!? Seeker..? Don't you think we should run!?"


The one guy i wanted to see, the one guy who helped me when i was in trouble and the one guy who stole my heart at first glance.

I furrowed my eyebrows and got rid of the stupid arse's hands, who indeed was scared shitless by the name that fell over the club. I shake my head to focus and looked around, scanning each and every corner of the club as much as i can from where i am to see if Seeker was really here. when i found nothing but silence other than the fact that people were starting to get pissed off that the music stopped, i rolled my eyes and went with my original plan. Get the hell away from this place.

Seeker? At a bar? Hmph, me and my hope, i should've known that seeing Seeker was not that easy.


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