Episode 3 - Part 1

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CoQueen#1: Your_Fav_Queen
CoQueen#2: ImOnlyTheQueen

Hello! Today—*clears throat*
*gasps, shocked that the throat clearing actually happened without any trouble*
D-did that just happen?-coqueen#2
Yes honey I can't believe it too😱-coqueen#1
*clears throat harshly, still looking surprised*

Well, anyways, today is episode 3 of Nonsense!
*fans myself with my hands, and says in extremely girly voice* Oh my gosh, episode 3! I can't believe this is happening! Like, this is TOTES FANTABULOUS!

*coughs*😳 I-I'm sorry for that... unexpected outburst. My throat was dry. *coughs again, and chokes before coughing numerous times again*
*chuckles nervously* 😁😅 well, for today CoQueen#1 and I are going to be playing 2 Truths and A Lie!

For those of you who don't know, 2 Truths and A Lie is a game where each player writes down 2 truths, and one lie. Then, they will have to guess which one is the lie, from their given opponent's list. In this case, CoQueen#1 and I will play this game, and give our guesses, but will not give the answers. Both CoQueen#1 and I will be guessing the lie ignorantly. We will now know what the lie is. The answers will be given in the next post, which will be shortly after this. The reason behind this, is so, any of you readers can play along and make a guess, and check your answers in the next post. NOTE- Next post is NOT an episode.

Let's get started!

1)I love pastas!!!

2)I'm very VERY artistic

3)I live away from my parents

CoQueen#2's guess: (which one is the lie?) Now, based on my "skills", I'm going to guess that #2 is a lie. I don't know why I'm guessing that #2 is a lie, but it's a guess.* shrugs shoulders*it's a queen thing.
1) My best friend's B-day is 7 days before mine.

2) when I was 7 years old, I was riding a bike down a hill for the first time, the chain broke, and I crashed into a moving vehicle, unharmed.

3) When I was six months old, I nearly died after having choked on both my mom's wedding AND engagement ring.

CoQueen#1's guess: *clears throat like a professional* okay.. This is easy. My guess is #2 is the lie. And damn gurl you survived a lot of near death experience lol.
1)I don't own a car

2)I don't like cooking

3)when I was 12 my best friend told me she had a boyfriend who cheated on her and she spent nights at my house so I comforted her

CoQueen#2's guess: I'm going to say that #3 is a lie, because, I have no idea, and I'm guessing.
1)My fav hobby is to annoy my siblings.

2)I believe in education, I just don't believe in waking up at 6:00 AM to achieve that education.

3)I'm in a love/hate relationship with chocolate.(I love chocolate, and I hate when it's gone.

CoQueen#1's guess: I... coqueen#1 shall declare that #2 is a lie... coz queens are always supposed to be right. period.
1)when I was fourteen I experienced a surgery in which I was asleep *tries to keep face serious*

2)I have a boyfriend

3)I'm in a serious relationship with my phone.

CoQueen#2's guess: #2 is a lie. I'm not meaning this as an offense to you CoQueen#1, but if I'm single, then I'm gonna hope you're single, too.
1)I still sleep with stuffed animals.

2)I'm cheating on my phone with my computer and T.V.

3)I hate Yo Gabba Gabba.

CoQueen#1's guess: #3 is a lie... for sure cause I have no idea what i'm talking about right now lolol.

That was it for episode three of Nonsense!

The answers will be posted after this episode.

See you next time on Episode four of Nonsense!

Wait. Technically I wouldn't see you, I'd just be writing random stuff for strangers I don't know. And you're technically reading the stuff some random stranger wrote.

*clears throat*(still can't believe I'm able to do that now) Write and read for some random strangers on episode four of Nonsense!

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