Chapter 12-Percy

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24 Weeks

Today was the day.

We would figure out the gender. we wanted to wait till five months so we knew for sure.

We walked into the doctors office. hand and hand.

We got into the room quick and easy. Annabeth was freaking out.

"Calm down. if something's wrong they'll deal with it." I kissed her hand.

"Hello Happy Parents." Dr.Jonathan smiled.

We smiled back.

"Let's get this started." He put gel on Annabeths stomach.

We listened for the heart beats but only heard one.

Dr. Jonathan eyes widened sadly.

"Annabeth Percy, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid one of your twins has passed. We have to get the baby out of your stomach." He paged a nurse real quick for an immediate c-section.

Annabeth was whisked away from me. The doctor came to me in the waiting room.

"I Know this is hard. The other baby is going to survive. I'll have a nurse send you up to your wife soon." Dr. Jonathan said.

"We came in for a gender check. Annabeth was perfectly healthy. The baby was healthy. What gender was it anyway?" I almost screamed. but I did it in my head.

"little girls."

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