Chapter 10-Percy

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12 Weeks

I roll over and notice Annabeth wasn't there. that got me wide awake. I sat up and the light in the bathroom was on.

Was she throwing up again?

I got up and walked towards the bathroom. I peeked in and saw her Standing in front of the mirror.

I smiled because a baby bump was showing. Two Little guys were In there. I was scared something was going to happen to them.

Annabeth was small in the waist and wasn't made to carry two.

She would get hurt. But it'll be worth it. She'll never say she wants an abortion or something.

She never gives up on life.

She jumped a little when i wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You scared me. I thought you were sleeping." she sighed.

"I was worried about you." I said.

"I just got up and puked. Nothing really bad." she said.

Something is bothering her.

"What's wrong? There's more to it huh?" I turned her around to face me.

She broke down in tears.

"I'm scared. I'm scared something is going to happen. I feel it Percy. I don't know how but I feel it." She cried.

"Come here." I let her cry on my shoulder.

I calmed her down. By the time she was half asleep so I carried her back into the bedroom.

I kissed her forehead as she snuggled with me on the bed.

We fell asleep together.

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