Chapter 5-Annabeth

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Everything, I felt, was going great. Percy started his job soon. No more traveling anywhere.

It was early in the morning and I had to get up from work. Percy and I's legs we're tangled. He didn't want me to go.

"Percy, I have to get up." I kissed his head.

"No." He mumbled.

"Why?" I smiled at his clingy attitude.

"Because, I want you beside me." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well I can call in sick..." I trailed off.

Percy grabbed his cell phone real quick and handed it to me.

I giggle and kiss his nose. I dial my boss's number. I worked as an building manager. not close to what I wanted to be but I'm still young.

"Hello Mary?" I said.

"Hi Annabeth, calling in sick?" She said.

"Yeah, well expect a lot of these because I'm pregnant!" I smiled and looked over at Percy who was making fishy faces.

I held in a laugh and pushed his face away with my hand.

"Congrats! Soon my little Grace will play with your baby." she said.

Grace was her 1 month daughter. She brought her by once. she was adorable.

"Yeah. Well I gotta go, Percy is making me eat." I glance at Percy who was up and smiling, Acting like a stripper.

He goofed and slowly pulled down his pj pants off. Until he reached a little past his lower waist, then he pulled it up.

"Ok Annabeth get better."

With that I hung up.

"Perseus Jackson!" I tried to not laugh.

"Oo you used the full name." he smirked and crawled on the bed and rolled on top of me.

He smiled and pecked me on my lips.

"I'm sorry, I was goofing." He said.

"I know. that's what I love about you. your a goofball. now don't hurt Little Wise Seaweed." He nodded and makes sure he wasn't on my stomach.

"I love you. Now can we sleep?" Percy rolled back over and I snuggled into him.

"I love you too Perc." but he was already sleeping.

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