Chapter 30

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Jace woke up to a grumbling stomach and found herself on a hard platform, a bed unlike the bed in her room.

In coherence with her recent facial correction to do away her acne scars, Jace had skipped lunch during school because she was told to only eat vegetables and fruits, best not eat meat. The worst part of it all was that Jace doesn’t know how long it would last. How much longer till the wondrous taste of meat can finally be splashed and turned around in her mouth?

[A/N: I do not know anything about facial corrections/surgeries or whatnot. I’m so blur I’m making Jace be able to eat normal stuff again in a few days. Let’s pretend that she only needs one week to heal, okay?]

Refusing to answer her whining stomach she turned to her left-

Jace gasped but quickly covered her mouth with both her hands.

Jesse was sleeping next to her. With that cute face… and those lips that made contact with hers about 24 hours ago…

She started thinking about the kiss and her face reddened wildly. She knew it didn’t mean anything to Jesse, for all she knew, Jesse had kissed tons of girls without meaning anything.

Then she felt her heart cringe.

Jace remembered her heart fluttering; her stomach filled with butterflies when he kissed her the very first time, and then the second time. She knew that she loved him, more than just a celebrity-fangirl crush, but she couldn’t accept it. She knew Jesse wouldn’t accept it. What was she to Jesse anyway? Just another girl; just another fan… Just another person… Jesse probably kissed most of his fans to tease them.


Jesse doesn’t see anything in her…


She means nothing to him…


She’s just another toy he picked up…



A little moist, soft thing made contact with her forehead pulled her out of her self-degrading zone and back to a bright eyed bushy tailed Jesse smiling at her. Bushy tail didn’t seem to fit as Jesse doesn’t have a tail…

Living with My Idol! (A Jesse McCartney FanFiction) - [Re-Editing]Where stories live. Discover now