Chapter 27

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The entire ride back to Jesse’s home was filled with awkward tension. Jace was still blushing deeply from the passionate kiss they shared and Jesse telling her to not leave.

Jesse was driving, unable to keep track of the thoughts racing on his mind or the emotions that were scattering around his whole body. One part of him was proud that he did it: that he finally had the guts to do it. But there was another part of him that was mad that he did it: what if Jace still left? Then the kiss would not mean anything! What if she reported him on sexual harassment? He could be arrested and be listed under a pedophile!! He would have to say goodbye to the career that he enjoyed and loved so much.

Then again, all his anger was washed away when he stole a glance at a blushing Jace. She’s so cute, damn-it! He decided that kissing her was worth it. No matter what he thought, kissing her was worth it. Damn it all, kissing her was worth losing his job because he just had a new inspiration to write a new song. And that inspiration came from the kiss and the sparks. The lyrics might be corny a bit, but the beat would be something like techno and it’ll be an upbeat love song, perfect for couples at the pub.

Jesse smiled as he imagined him and Jace dancing to his new song but frowned when Jace kept saying, “Stop, Jesse, stop! STOP!!!”

That was all he remembered until-

Jesse felt himself lurch forward and hit his chest to the steering wheel. He coughed a little but he felt as though he’d been coughing for weeks. His chest was seriously hurt and every time he coughed he could feel the pain keeping him from coughing out loud. Damn, this is so gonna hurt my singing!

Jesse couldn’t see anything; the pain in his chest escalating and clouding his sight. Faintly, he could hear someone calling him.


He blinked a few times before his vision cleared up by a little and he felt something tugging his arm. He turned to find a bright silhouette calling his name again and again. He squeezed his eyes closed and opened them again. The pain in his chest wasn’t going anywhere. He squinted to make out the figure that was holding on to his arm. Slowly, his vision cleared and he could see streams of tears falling down a pair of almond-shaped eyes and a pair of lips wet from the tears. Jesse felt the urge to kiss those lips and lick away the tears; he wanted to stop whatever that was making this angel cry.

“Jesse, please wake up, please please please don’t die on me…”

The sobs were starting to be hearable but it wasn’t making sense. What the hell did it mean, “Don’t die on me”?

Jesse tried to speak, but all he managed was a rasp grunt, “Wha- appent to me?” (What happened to me?)

“What happened was you zoned out when you were driving and almost ran into a tree!” Jesse felt a smack on his upper arm and winced as the pain traveled to his chest.

Jesse turned to look at the blurry figure that was slowly coming into focus.

“What happened to-“ her delicate hands did quoting marks beside her head, “’I don’t like taking risks when I have ladies in the car’?”

Jesse smiled and managed a painful chuckle, “Oh, Jace.”

A surge of pain pierced through his chest and his left hand shot up to clutch it.

“What’s the matter, Jesse? Are you hurt?”

There was worry written all over Jace’s expression and her voice.

Jesse smirked, “I just nailed-“ *cough* “-my chest” *cough* “-to the steering wheel…”

Jesse clutched his chest tighter, it was hard to speak and he had to break his words every now and then to cough, which was equally painful.

“What do you think?”


A long silence filled the atmosphere until Jace asked, “Can you still drive?”

Jesse stared at Jace suspiciously. He had probably fractured one or two of his ribs and all Jace could say was “Can you still drive?”?!? What the hell?!?

A pretty bizarre idea ate his entire brain and he said, “Yeah, I can still drive, but I’ll need someone in the house to help me around…”

“I’ll help you!”

Jesse smiled, not so whole-heartedly because his chest still hurt and it was kind of preventing him to smile with his whole heart, literally speaking.

That meant Jace wasn’t moving, just yet…


This chapter is dedicated to MickeyFoster for the new poster!!

thanks <3

So yeah, it's been a while, sorry. College is kinda difficult to live with =.=

So if I can't dedicate this to MickeyFoster, it'll probably be dedicated to one of my awesome fans, thanks for reading! xoxo

Living with My Idol! (A Jesse McCartney FanFiction) - [Re-Editing]Where stories live. Discover now