"So she is now..." sycamore mumbled but still it didn't helped serena

"But how?, why she came here she hates earth" serena curiously asked, more like worried because in the end diantha is the one who exiled serena and took her wings from her as a punishment

"She wasn't always like this, when we were younger she was different........" sycamore said and sighed again, serena sit along with mairin, knew this will be a long story

She said she always wondered how the world of mortals is, one day she just ran away from heaven and visited earth, she found herself sleeping on balcony and that's where i first saw her, i couldn't believed my eyes once i saw a girl with wings sleeping on my balcony but the weather was cold so i carried her inside and gave her a bed to sleep, once she woke up she scared at first but we managed to get closer, with time we develop feelings towards each other and become a couple, that's when she realized what love is, just like how ash did to you i showed diantha what love is but one day one night she just left me and never came back, but before she went she left a crying baby on the same balcony where i first met her, our baby

Sycamore finished the story, but he shed a few tears while telling these, serena and mairin listened him in awe, especially serena shed some tears too, somehow diantha must've absorbed demon hunter just like how serena absorbed demon slayer before she came here, and she met with sycamore like how she met with ash and if alain is really their child that means

"So i can have a child as well, a child from ash" serena mumbled in shock but also in happiness, also she blushed a little, angels made from sand and lightning but she just realized a feeling after hearing this story, mother insticts, but professor just bowed his head, serena lost in her world but mairin noticed

"But why diantha left you professor?" Mairin asked to professor, caused him to raise his head, after a sigh he looked at serena in worry

"Serena you can't have a child, you can't live with ash" professor said to serena with a serious face, that made serena worried

"But why?" She asked, livng with ash is his dream why she can't?

"Because serena you live longer than us, we are mortals but you can live for hundreds fo years" professor exclaimed but serena wished he never spoke, the happiness she felt inside was dripped away and sadness begin to fill that gap, she just stared him in awe, her pulse begin to beat faster and faster, she panicked, if angels lives longer than humans that means ash will become old and die before serena, ash will become older but serena will still be at the same age, and she exactly understood it, and so is why diantha left sycamore, angels can't have a relationship

"So that's why she left you with alain" mairin said, but serena still just looked at ground, her breaths begin to become heavier, professor sycamore just nodded

"That's the curse of the angles, they can love only humans but they can't be together with them" professor said and again that hit serena's heart with a knife, she loves ash more than anything how she supposed to say something like that to ash?



with sudden breezes, a rift opened inside a construction site, this took the attention of every worker around

"what the hell is this?" one of the workers shout, they all looked at the rift and saw some sort of insect floating out of it

{FALLEN ANGEL}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя