''You seemed so relieved when your friends came here. I won't be able to send them across the earth when you feel sad, because you will. Everybody needs somebody, Iss. And your somebodys are in London. If, or when, you need to talk, I'm here.''

I hadn't even thought about that. Sam, Chelsea and I had talked about everything in the few days they had been with us, and I didn't even think about how much I needed to say to them. So much had happened this far of the tour, and we had just started. I hadn't said how I felt about anything to anyone until they came along. I had talked to them,but I never went to the deep talk. The real stuff.

I had always seen myself as independent. At least I had always wanted to be independent. I thought I wouldn't really need anyone that much, that I could handle myself. Apparently I was wrong. I needed somebody.

The guys had each other, and I guess I had them too, I just didn't realise it. Then there was the tiny problem that they were all guys to. I couldn't go to them and let my heart out like I did with Sam and Chelsea.

Then, when I thought about it, I figured that he was just like me. Zayn was just the same. He didn't ever talk or tell anybody how he felt. He was having trust issues, so had the others and so had pretty much everybody. But I could only remember him or Harry mentioning having 'deep talks' when Harry got really drunk.

''Who's your somebody, then?'' I asked. I probably should've thanked him or said something nice, since this was the sweetest and most caring thing I'd heard. The question slipped out and he seemed to be as taken back as I.


''You said everybody needs somebody. Who's your somebody? You can't wait on Harry to get drunk so you can tell somebody how you feel.''

While I asked him that, I got the answer in my head already. Of course, he could talk to the guys, his best friends. And guys didn't really need talking as much as girls, did they? His answer would be that he had the guys and that he was fine, just worried for me not trusting them enough.

Only that answer never came.

He was staring at me, with eyes saying he could see right through me. Not one word. Had I been right? He didn't have anybody to talk to when he felt sad. Not because they didn't care, but because he felt like he couldn't.

He raised his eyebrows and did a face saying 'fair enough'.

''If I trust you enough to promise I'll tell you when I feel sad or when something's wrong, will you do the same? Will you tell me when something's not right?'' I asked.

It was a simple question to most people, but he looked like I was pushing him to answer.

''Maybe.'' He mumbled, with a hidden smile in the corners of his lips, telling me I was completely right,

''Zayn.'' I took one step closer to him, making his eyes go from the ground to my eyes again. He glanced quickly behind the bus, then leaned forward almost unnoticeable.

He was very close to me right then. Wait, how did we get here again? I thought, not knowing or understanding any of his intentions. I was the one who walked closer to him, but I was most certainly not the one to lean in this close.

''Okay.'' He whispered, before lightly touching my cheek with his lips. Then he disappeared.


''Hey, Harry?'' Niall said, amused.


''You need bowling shoes. You can't slip around in those.'' He explained and pointed to Harry's shoes. These ones were new and whole, but not good enough to bowl in.

''Why not?'' He wondered, now sad because he would have to take off his new darlings.

''Because you can't ruin the floor, now go change.'' Niall pointed to the shelves with shoes in all kinds of sizes. I wiggled my toes in my disgusting and extremely ugly pair of bowling shows.

Lou refused to change into shoes someone else had used and she said she didn't want to embarrass herself, even if I tried to say we could make a pretty decent team. She sat next to the courts and watched us instead.

Being one of the world's most famous bands had its perks even though all five of them hated talking about their money and fortune. They didn't quite tell me, but I thought they paid for the whole bowling alley. The ones that were there before got to finish their games, but no one new came in so we were soon alone. We could have one court each, but what fun would that be?

''Which teams?'' Liam asked and looked at the other eight of us.

''Band versus Musicians?'' Zayn proposed, still not looking very happy with the activity of the day, but sending me a quick smile which I returned.

''No fair! We are less people and we've got Issy on our team.'' Dan complained.

''Hey!'' I exclaimed.


Josh snorted.

''Oh please, we can take them down easily.'' He said, rolling his eyes arrogant, then laughing.

They agreed on the teams, since the others was sure they would win and Josh persuaded Sandy and Dan that he believed I could be okay. I knew I never should've let them see me try to run in a straight line.

And I wasn't horrible! I just happened to throw the ball down the sides a few times. Harry laughed at me and I hit his head.

''You must take down at least six this time, Belle.'' Sandy told me.

They weren't very impressed of my bowling skills and I was just happy I hadn't fell or dropped the ball in the wrong direction yet.

''Don't sound so scared! It's Issy we're talking about, she can do whatever she wants to!'' Josh told him. I laughed and dropped my so called 'focus'. He winked at me and I ran up to throw the ball away. Behind me, Louis did some joke of my ball moving so slowly it would stop half way there. It hit the middle of the bowling pins and pulled down nine of them. I pouted, wanted to make it all the way even though nine was way better than my earlier tries.

''Wait...'' Josh mumbled. And the last one fell. I shrieked and jumped up in the air, clapping my hands together, my red hair flying around.

''Did you see that!?!'' I shouted, embarrassedly proud of myself. Josh ran up and hugged me while spinning me around in the air, laughing.

''That was the best I seen in ages!'' He said.

''Beat that, suckers!'' He said out loud to the five guys next to us. They rolled their eyes like it wasn't anything special. 

We ended up winning the game, and the win was the only thing Josh and I talked about for the rest of the day. We made sure to rub it in the others' faces as soon we got the opportunity. I loved winning, so what could I say?

When we were going home after eating lunch at a restaurant I sat by the window in one of the cars, with Zayn next to me. He sat with his hands together in his lap, sitting up straight and staring out in front of him. I nudged him in the side with my elbow and his head snapped in my direction. I smirked at him.

"Did you see my strike? You know, the one that made us win over you?" I asked him, smiling widely. His lips changed into a smile that didn't reach the rest of his face at all. He stared in front of him again, not even glancing on me for more than two seconds. 

"I saw it." He said. "It was good." He added. 

He didn't say anything else to me on the whole ride home.

I had to do something about his mood swings. Sometimes he was worse than a girl on her period. I had to make him talk to me about his problem, whatever it was. He said he would tell me when something was wrong. But this had something to do with me.


A/N: So, what do you think? Zayn's POV in the next chapter? I will write it in his POV if you get me 2k reads, which will be soon!!! OMG!! Then I will make you understand his mood swings a bit more and I can promise that you'll love it already. All the feels!

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