Chapter 3

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Its Saturday  and My Parent's are coming back in about an hour so that means we have to clean the whole house and I don't even know if an hour is enough to clean this swamp. I have a good task thank goodness all I have to do is clean my room and Lily's. It was easy I kept my room quite tidy so it wasn't really a problem and Lily's room was spotless like always.
After I finished (it took me 5 minutes) I went downstairs and slid into the kitchen I grabbed an apple and sat on one of the high chairs.
"Ugh I can't get rid of this mark !!" Maya yelled at herself as she aggressively rubbed the the yellow stain on the table. She turned round and saw me."why are you standing there?"
"I'm actually sitting if you can see," I said waving my hand up and down.
"I really don't care, do something productive," she said shoving me out the room. I groaned then walked into the living room where Lily and James were cleaning up the toys on the floor.
"Shouldn't the twins do this I mean it is there toys!" She moaned. I walked into the room and helped them pick up the toys. Finally after half an hour the house was all clean.
"Now guys we don't mention any of the party's," Maya said she made us all sit down and promise not to mention any of her party's she thrown at our house.
Ding dong
"Great there here act natural," she said running out the room.
"Mum! Dad! It's so great to see you!" She said with a wide grin on her face.

Nathan and James were acting to natural they had their most cheesiest grins on and James was leaning against the couch with his hand and he fell over and quickly got up wiping the dust of his shirt. I chuckled.

"Wow , you guys actually kept the place tidy !" Mum said with a surprised tone. Wow, harsh! Ok well I kinda get where she's coming from. But we only burnt down 3 of our previous houses!!
" Well we brought presents!" He said holding up a bag. I ran towards the bag and grabbed it before he had a chance of pulling it away. What ? I love presents!

But turns out it was boring autobiographies on politicians. My Dad smiled proudly at the gifts. He loves politics. But seriously why give us the torture of reading them.
" oh Ava, I almost forgot, " mum said butting in", You're uniform didn't arrive. Something about shipping them from the company. I'm so sorry. We tried to tell you over phone but the internet was bad. Did everyone else get the uniform?" Mum said examine my siblings. They nodded ( when I say 'they' i mean James and Nathan. Maya is out of school she's in collage) .

The rest of the evening was pretty plain we played some of my Parent's ancient games and talked. My brothers got a little bit too competitive it ended in a argument over who won. I sneaked away from the noise and ran up to my room. Not looking where I was going I bumped into the wall. Smooth, Ava,Smooth. I rubbed a little and ran up stairs and closed the door.
Tommorow their was going to be a party and well it was for the juniors in high school it was held by a girl who I already know from nursery and I had to live with her through out my school life she was a snob and none other than Nicole Patterson. She bullied everyone in sight never took no as an answer and has made out with every boy on the football team, the basketball team you name it. Even though I am not a fan of parties . All my new friends are going even Kiki and they really want me to come so...

But the only obstacle is my parents. They are pretty strict about parties and well it's hard to get past them the only people that know how to is Maya and Nathan . I'll probably ask Nathan. But I couldn't be bothered to get up and before  I new it I was fast asleep.

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