Demons Run (13) Confessions

Start from the beginning

     "You were tricked by a girl?" I asked, poking at his ribs.

     "Demons are the ultimate predators. We are creatures built on temptation, seduction, and lust." He said. I swallowed a bit, trying not to break my gaze with him and signify that I was nervous, "Demons are made to be alluring, to draw you in. Why do you think it was so easy for Pharzuph to manipulate you? Creatures made the most beautiful, are the most deadly."

     "You don't manipulate me." I said.

     "I don't have to." Roman replied, "We're friends."

     "Friends?" I repeated, "Does that mean you care about me?"

     "Don't get your hopes up." He said, looking away from me.

     I didn't say anything. I couldn't. My mouth was dry, and I was disappointed. There was a sinking in my chest. I had over-romanticized our situation like I always tried not to.

     "The demon blood did make me stronger, just like Aria said it would, but it was too late when I realized the changes that had happened to me." He said, resuming his story, "The demon-blood overtook my human-blood, and I lost my humanity. I transitioned into a full demon." Another pause, "I've been waiting on you for centuries, angel. You are the only one who can save me."

     "Why me?"

     "You're special. You have a righteous heart," He said, "I might just be a demon, but even I know a good person when I see one."

     "But you're not like most demons." I said, staring up at his beautiful chiseled features. How could I ever have doubted him? Even for a second?

     "Is that so?" He asked, giving me a slight chuckle.

      I nodded firmly, "Of course. You have your jerk moments, but you're very sweet. You care about more than just yourself. Hearing the way you talk about Ray breaks my heart."

     The smile and chuckle had left his voice, but he did not look angry. It was more a soft air of reminiscent sadness.

     "Why does it hurt you?" He asked, laying a hand on mine.

     "I can only imagine the way you felt. What it must have done to you..." I said quietly. "I hate thinking about you being upset."

     "Angel..." Roman murmured in a husky voice.

     His hand slid from mine up to the side of my face where he brushed a callused thumb over my cheek. I leaned into his touch slightly, welcoming it. He gave a soft laugh and began leaning down slowly. His weight shifted the mattress and I could feel the heat of his body as he closed in on my face.

     My heart was pumping so hard I thought it might fly out of my chest. Was he going to kiss me? I'd thought about it for a long time, but now that it was an actual possibility I was astronomically nervous. My hands shook slightly and he glanced down, taking notice for a moment, and then looked back to my eyes. That silver stripped the essence of my soul apart; he could tell anything about me just by looking. I would serve my heart on a platter to him if he only asked.

     His warm, minty breath fanned teasingly over my lips and I had to force myself to breathe.

     "Am I making you nervous?" He asked with a small smile.

     I glanced at his perfectly shaped lips and swallowed the rock in my throat, "No." My tone was defiant.

     "You're a bad liar." He chuckled darkly, glancing to my mouth and then back to my eyes, "You're just lucky you're cute."

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