Chapter 9

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Why did I just offer to take him down the mountain? Whyyyy!

"I need to return to my sister, so let's go. It's never a good idea to leave the house in her care, unless you want it to be burned down!" Elsa laughed, feeling  very, very, stupid. And self conscious. She quickly stood, pushing her chair out, and brushing her skirt. She pushed in her chair, and walked briskly out of the room. Ok, breathe. Here we go. "Jack! I'm leaving now!" The only response to her call was the sound of running feet.

"Race 'ya!" Yelled Jack, running past her.

"HEY!!! You're the one that needs help finding your way down the mountain!" Elsa shouted, lunging after him, a big grin spreading across her face.

Ugh! What is it about this boy! I'm acting so stupid around him! Why can I act normally around any other boy-even though I've met very few, but not this one? Questions raced through her mind as she ran down the stairs.

She changed her mind and jumped onto the railing, sliding past Jack and smirking at him when he looked at her with surprise.

"Hey! Not fair!" Jack yelled at her. She knew he had probably sped up, but it was a pointless chase. She was already sliding down the next staircase.

Bu the time Jack had reached the bottom, she was calmly standing there, trying SO hard not to laugh. UGH! Elsa! STOP acting like your sister!

"Come on. I'm very busy today." Elsa said this, managing not to laugh at Jack. She turned, and walked out the front doors, not even looking back to see if he was coming.

About halfway down the mountain, Jack had gotten pretty annoying. All of his attempts to "break the ice" were getting worse and worse.

"So... uhhh... you're quiet." Elsa rolled her eyes yet again. "Hey, I just want to make this already awkward situation less awkward."

"Well, good luck with that. I don't tend to associate myself with people I don't know." Elsa said firmly.

"Then why'd you associate yourself with me?" Jack sounded like he was teasing her, which was SO not ok!

"I don't like letting other people suffer." Elsa said, hoping he wouldn't question her response. Luckily for her he didn't, and the rest of the journey down the North Mountain was quiet.

They reached the bottom of the mountain, and Elsa was eager to get rid of him.

"Well, the city is this way sir." Elsa said, hoping she was clear enough for him to understand. Please please PLEASE don't ask where I'm going. She thought. This guy seems like there's something off about him. She started to walk away when he yelled,

"Wait! Which way to the castle!? I need to talk to the queen!" Jack sounded desperate.

"Oh... it's that way. But the queen's seeing hours are in the afternoon. I suggest looking around the city while you wait." Elsa hoped he'd take her up on her suggestion. No matter how much he seemed to annoy her, she didn't want him to be awkwardly standing around or something. Or weirding out the citizens. Or following her. Elsa awkwardly left the conversation hanging and briskly walked away from him, casting glances over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't following her.

As soon as she couldn't see him anymore, she broke into an outright run, stopping a block away from the castle and straightening herself out and wiping a bit of sweat off her brow. She took a deep breath, and walked the rest of the way home, walking across the bridge and stopping briefly at the gates to acknowledge the guards. She nodded slightly as they bowed, and she walked past them.

Elsa ran inside and found Anna. She really wanted to ask her about what to do when Jack came. She had no idea what to do, it was weird for her to even have a problem like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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