Chapter 6

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Jack sat up and opened his eyes, he was light-headed at first, but his vision cleared. All he saw was snow. Fluffy, white, snow. Some of the white powdery stuff was on him, so he stood up and he brushed both of his hands over his jacket to dust off the snow.
His mind, which had previously been in a haze, likely from hitting that rock a few feet from where he now stood, was clear. He didn't remember why he was there... ooh funny shaped stick! Stay focused Jack... pick up the stick... stay focused Ja... pick up the stick... STAY FOCU... Jack walked to the funny shaped stick and he picked it up. Suddenly, it all came back to him: Elsa! Arendelle! Pitch! Guardians! Threat!
He quickly assessed his surroundings in great detail. Snowy slope leading up, snowy slope leading down, but the down one was more rocky. Nighttime. Lights very far in the distance. Jack decided upon heading to the light-downhill.

Quick A/N interruption:
This is gonna be a short chapter, maybe, idk, short from Jack's POV anyway... sorry! I just don't have an idea for him until next chapter! 😞 Or what if I combined the chapters into one... 🤔
(Elsa POV)
A little before dawn Elsa woke up, and she couldn't get back to sleep. Elsa decided to watch the sunrise from her Ice-Palace in the mountains. With great speed, she wrote a note for Anna telling her where she was and that she would be back shortly.

She set out, in the dark, reminding her of her disastrous coronation day/night when she created her "mountain retreat."

Elsa started by making a path across the fjord, walking across it, and melting it. She continued on. She passed Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna on her way, and made a mental note to stop there on her trip back down.

Around 20 minutes after she left the area of the Trading Post, she heard someone's feet, crunching in the snow. She stopped in her tracks. Who could possibly be coming down from the mountain at this time of morning?

(Back to Jack's POV, which this chapter is SUPPOSED to be about!)

Jack was walking down the mountain, walking, walking, walking... so boring... so lonely... The only sound he heard was the crunching of his feet on the snow, the satisfying feel of the wet, fluffy, white stuff on his bare feet. Ow! Rock! He thought as he stepped on a rock. Man, shoes would sure be good to have now! Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of snow crunching, someone-WHO??? was walking up this mountain, even before the sun came up, and for anyone but him, it would be WAY too cold!! Oh well, he was a spirit, and, nobody knew he existed in mid-evil times, because he didn't exist, but then, that might make it so that EVERYONE could see him! He would just need to find out the truth, weather or not it happened in a good way. He heard the footsteps come closer, then heard a beautiful voice, melodic like bells, but cautious.


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