Chapter 7

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Elsa kept walking, even though inside she was scared it was someone bad, like-wait, what if it's HANS!!!! Nevermind, just, keep walking, and if things turn out bad, really bad, then you can blast them. Uh-oh, they're coming closer! Ok, keep it cool.

"Hello?" Ohh I sound so nervous! I'm a queen! I'm supposed to sound queenly! Ugh! Ok, I'll see what they say.

"Hello?" Said a male voice, it sounded younger, but pleasant. A boy appeared, wearing weird clothes, but she thought he had to be pretty cold. He was a little pale, and had pure white hair. In his hand he had a weirdly shaped piece of wood, a stick, but it looked like a staff to her. And, no shoes.

"You shouldn't be out on the mountain before dawn, it's cold." She said.

"You're the one I'd be worried about, wearing that dress with practically no sleeves." Said the guy, obviously playing with her.

"There are wolves on the mountain, especially at night. It's not safe." She said stiffly.

"Then why're you here?" Asked the boy. Obviously he didn't know who she was.

"I live up here, so I know how to stop wolves, and yes, I'm cold, but I just suck it up, the view's worth it."

"I'm kinda cold, I'm completely lost, I don't know where I am. And I lost my shoes." Said the boy, then shivered.

"I don't take in strangers."

"Ok... I'll be on my way..." he said, sounding lonely and afraid. He started walking past her, leaving.

"Wait, come on. I can't just let people suffer." What am I thinking!? She was not sure about this, but oh well, too late now. "Follow me, just a little ways up."

"Sooo... what's your name, and why do you live on a mountain?"

"Won't tell, and I used to live in the city, and my real home is in the city, but sometimes, when I want to be alone, or just enjoy the view, I come up here." Wait, why did I just sorta open up to a complete stranger? "Who're you, and where are you from?"

"Jack. Jack Frost, and wouldn't you like to know."

"Well I never!"

"What, too desperate to find out?" He joked.

"I do feel entitled to knowing this, as I'm taking you to MY house."

"Hey, if you won't even tell me your name, why should I tell you where I'm from?"

"Point made." She paused, then continued. "Anyway, you said you don't know where you are?"


"You're on the North Mountain, North of the Kingdom of Arendelle and it's capital, Arendelle. Why're you here?" She was so curious!

"I'm here because I wanted to meet the queen, and tell her something she would want to know. Something important. But, I will tell only to the queen, so before you ask, won't tell. Anyway, I lost my map, and have been wandering the general direction ever since. Wanna know where I'm from?" She nodded. "What's your name?" He smirked at her.

"Won't tell." He frowned at her. She simply smirked back.

They walked for a while in silence. Elsa thinking about him. What if he's some idiot that takes advantage of women? What if he's a lier? What if he's a KILLER???? She didn't know, but she did know that he liked to playfully flirt with girls.

They came up to the rocky cliff that obscured the view of her ice palace shortly.

"We're here." Elsa said, making Jack look at her with a weird expression.

"It's... a cliff."

"No," they kept on walking, rounding the turn, "THIS is." The look on his face was PRICELESS!! He looked to be in a state of shock! She giggled. "What, have you never seen a building made of ice before?" She sounded like she was withholding laughter, which she was.

"..." He asked. She laughed. For a moment, she thought about showing this strange boy her powers, as he obviously didn't know about them, but decided against it. She was gonna be herself, but not use her powers.

"It took my whole life to carve. I found a strangely large block of ice, it was up here, and that was when I was 5, and I have worked on carving it ever since." Ugh that sounded stupid...

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