Chapter 4

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The guardians then realized, they had NO idea what the kingdom of Arendelle was, after all, that was a kingdom, something in the past. Jack was the first one to bring it up,

"Uhh, guys, does ANYONE know what-or where, the kingdom of Arendelle is?"

"I hate to say this, but... TO THE LIBRARY!!" Yelled Bunny.

The group ran to the library, as they thought there wasn't a MOMENT to lose.

"Split up, look for anything about kingdoms, especially one that is called Arendelle!" Shouted North.

Bunny searched the letter A section, North also searched the A area, Tooth alternated between the A and K sections, and Jack and Sandy searched the K section. After about an hour of looking, Jack found a book called "Kingdoms of Mid-evil Times" by Melissa Jenkins.

"I think I found something!!" Jack yelled. Everyone ran over, happy to have a break from searching. "It's called "Kingdoms of Mid-evil Times" by Melissa Jenkins." Everyone agreed it was what they needed, and they crowded around Jack to find out what he found.

As he turned the pages, looking for Arendelle, he was aware of all eyes upon him, and even someone breathing down his neck-likely Bunny. After a minute, he gave a happy shout, "AHA!!" He felt several someones leaning on his shoulders, well, in North's case looking over his head. "It says, Arendelle was a very pleasant kingdom, they had a mountain range to the north, a forest to the south, and always a constant smell of fish, as they were very close to the sea. They were a very peaceful kingdom, with a few exceptions, such as The Southern Isles, of which they hated very much. They were known for fine trade, a stable economy, and being a great weekend getaway, with ice-skating and snowball fights in the winter, and swimming in the summer. Some notable rulers were King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, also their daughter, Queen Elsa. Located in Norway." He dropped the book on the table nearby.

"That doesn't give us much to go off of, does it? I mean, we don't even know where we need to go in Arendelle." Said Tooth, breaking the silence.

"Come to think of it, HOW ARE WE GONNA TIME TRAVEL!!!!!!" Jack yelled. Everyone looked at North expectantly.

"I... MIGHT... have what you need." He said.

Everyone looked even more expectantly at North.

"Well... Let's go!!" Everyone wanted to get the saving the world over with!

They all piled into the sleigh, and they were off!!

"Ok, how are we going?" Asked Bunny irritably.

"We must go to the present place where Arendelle was located back then, from there, I will make us time-travel." North responded. "To Norway!" He yelled. Bunny ducked down pretty low.

After North used a snow globe to get to Norway, they came to the mountain range on the North side of the kingdom.

"Everyone ready to time-travel?" Asked North.

"No!" Said everyone except Jack. He was actually eager to go! After all, not everyone gets to travel back in time to a mid-evil kingdom.

"Jack, you go first, as you are most... interested in going." Said North. Jack gulped, and then told North he was ready whenever.

North tossed something on the ground, and pushed Jack into the porthole that had appeared, swirling in the colors of dark purple, black, and silver highlights, different from the snow globes they usually used.

Jack felt a major rush of air, a falling sensation, along with more air. He felt a splat of landing in soft, fluffy snow, and then... nothing.

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