| Chapter I || Bad News |

Start from the beginning

Landing in the grass, I groaned. "Ow."

I could see the bull. It was charging again. This time, I'd be dead for sure. I couldn't move. Closing my eyes, I prepared for death, when all of a sudden, I heard the strangest noise.

"Bad cow!"

Crunch! Bang! Hiss...

Opening my eyes, I saw two newly compacted piles of metal bull, and next to both of them stood a large boy. Due to the sun in my eyes, I couldn't make out his face, but he was holding out a large, fleshy hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand, which was larger than I originally thought, and pulled myself up.

"Thanks," I said, smiling at the boy. As soon as I was up and right in front of him, I realized that I had to look up. He was way taller than me. As my eyes met his face, I realized...

"You're a Cyclops."

My statement was blunt. Maybe a little rude too, but I'd apologize later. At the moment, I was completely dumbfounded. I mean, sure, dad did have a lot of Cyclops children, all gods had monster children at some point or time in their life. It happened. Seeing him right in front of me, though, I could easily tell that he was my half-brother. It was obvious just by looking at his face.

He had dad's kind smile and dark hair, though the Cyclops' hair was more brown. His eye was round and large, like an adorable baby cow. And even though he was really tall already, I could tell that he was still a baby cyclops. He would definitely get a lot bigger.

"You are Percy?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. Just before I could answer, the Ares girl stomped over to me, pulling her helmet off.

"Who do you think you are?" she demanded.

"I... uh..." I was tongue-tied. Luckily, Annabeth came to my rescue, as she always did. Unless she was kidnapping me, but that was another story.

"Clarisse! Stop it! He saved your life. Besides, you have wounded campers," she said.

The girl-apparently named Clarisse-just grumbled and nodded, leaving the three of us to talk. Annabeth smiled at me, but it didn't reach her eyes as she glanced at the Cyclops that was standing next to me.

"How did he get in?" she asked, rather rudely.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's a cyclops. He shouldn't be able to get past the barrier."

"I don't know how he got through the barrier, but I'm glad he did because he hadn't I would not be here," I told her, grabbing the hand of the Cyclops and bringing him with me into camp.

"Percy, where are we going?" he asked. There was a childlike curiosity to his voice.

"Just to the most awesome place for demigods," I replied, stopping at the top of the hill.

He stopped too and stared down at the vast expanse of camp, his mouth open wide. "Wow..." he said, his single eye sparkling with wonder.

"Yeah. I thought so too when I first arrived. So... what's your name dude?" I asked.

"I'm Tyson."

I smiled. "Well then, nice to meet you, Tyson. I'm Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, but call me Percy."

"Okay. Poseidon is my daddy too. We're brothers!" Tyson exclaimed. He turned to me and smiled excitedly. I guess he's really glad to have a brother.

"Of course we are Tyson," I told him.

"Yay!" he cried, grabbing me in a hug and jumping up and down in happiness.

Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now