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The once "ordinary" house has gone quiet.
The shelves were clear of books, the rooms were empty, a layer of dust already forming on the once glossy dining table. They were gone.
Some said that some secret Cult took them, some said because they were German spies, no one knows what exactly happened to the family. Someone soon repossessed the house, and rebuilt it for someone called Stanford Pines, but that was still 20 odd years later - no one remembered them by then. It was just an abandoned house.

Back to the Mountain, Selena was partially healed by monster magic, but soon gave up her soul to the monsterkind and died to King Asgore. The vibrant, lively green soul, stored in a glass tube, quietly waiting to free.

Aby was what they called her, brought by Bill Cipher from the Earth, they took her in and taught her their history and ways of living. She learnt quickly, and mastered her powers, going beyond the limits of her father. Some suggested that Bill use her to get his ways, but he refused.

She never knew how did she get here - she was merely 5 months old when it happened- but she had ambition. She knew the story of her people, how were they rejected, neglected, abandoned, and she longed to bring them their freedom. She waited to the day that her father had recovered from his failed incident, and left to finish her goal.

When she arrived, the same man appeared, the man that have taken her mother's life. She was no match for him, but his remorse for killing an innocent being overwhelmed him.

He offered her mercy.

He made her forget about her past, her ambition, and her name.
Someone heard them. He left, leaving her unconscious on the forest floor, knowing that she'll be fine, and that she'll be innocent again.

The Unlikely: GentlemanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant