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ayohitmanbang: okay let's just discuss this matter in my office

minkii: lmao what matter

minkii: I mean, there's nothing going on

ayohitmanbang: don't denied

ayohitmanbang: y'all sexting and shit

minkii: woah excuse me?

minkii: woah woah back the fuck up

minkii: look I don't care if you're the CEO of a shitty entertainment

minkii: reading our texts is violating our privacy

ayohitmanbang: shit true

ayohitmanbang: but Jimin disobeying our rules can make him kicked

ayohitmanbang: so

ayohitmanbang: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ayohitmanbang: are you going to risk your oh so called boyfriend career just for a shitty realtionship?

minkii: ......

minkii: why are you doing this

ayohitmanbang: rules are rules

minkii: but rules are meant to be broken!

ayohitmanbang: oh stop with the mainstream quotes

ayohitmanbang: rules are rules and that's final

minkii: ugh

ayohitmanbang: now come to my office and let's discuss this matter

minkii: sigh

minkii: whatever

ayohitmanbang: fine tomorrow 9 am

ayohitmanbang: don't be late

minkii: why so early

minkii: what's the rush

ayohitmanbang: the sooner the better

minkii: whatever

minkii: I'm still not breaking up with him

ayohitmanbang: we'll see :)


Hey guys! Im currently in Seoul now so i dont have time to update bUT I'LL TRY FOR Y'ALL

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