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jibooty: nEEERRDD

jibooty: I want to meet you

minkii: what

jibooty: come over and cuddle with me

minkii: no

minkii: why would u want to cuddle with me

minkii: ew gross

jibooty: I wanna drool on your hair :)

jibooty: jk but sort of

minkii: ur disgusting

jibooty: I'll take that as a compliment

jibooty: :)

minkii: you want to meet a stranger you barely know?

minkii: really hoe

jibooty: but you said we can be friends

minkii: I never said that


minkii: but I never said ur sexy

minkii: u just touch your fucking lips and wear shades indoor

minkii: how's that sexy?

jibooty: trust me darling

jibooty: I know

jibooty: deep

jibooty: down

jibooty: v deep down

jibooty: deep down inside ur cold ass heart

jibooty: I know

jibooty: that u secretly thinks I'm hot

minkii: nO

jibooty: don't u dare denied it

jibooty: dONt DEnIED IT

jibooty: dOnT dENIED thE fORCE!!!

minkii: fuck off

minkii: I hope ur dick shrinks

jibooty: ha

jibooty: I know u thinks that I'm v v v

jibooty: no need to pretend babe

jibooty: ;))

A/n : hi gonna post one more chapt before school start pLEASE DO ELAVE FEEDBACK OR COMMENTS :)))))
^ omg look what a fucking loser I can't even type leave properly

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