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jibooty: woman

jibooty: wOMAN

jibooty: answer me woman

minkii: do u have to call me that all the time

jibooty: I don't know ur name

jibooty: so

jibooty: I mean if u tell me ur name I'll stop calling u woman???

minkii: fine

minkii: it's because 'woman' makes me feels old

minkii: and uncomfortable

jibooty: Kay so what's ur name

minkii: nah

minkii: actually woman sounds better than my real name heh

minkii: sike bitch

jibooty: :(

jibooty: and don't call me hoe too:( I have a name you know

minkii: but u r my hoe

minkii: nO I MEAN

minkii: no wait

jibooty: your hoe????

jibooty: I'm

jibooty: I'm so happy rn

jibooty: /cries in ugly manner

jibooty: /screenshots

jibooty: I will always remember this moment in my entire life

jibooty: the most beautiful moment in life

minkii: fuck you

minkii: I hope aliens abduct you

jibooty: that wouldn't be necessary

jibooty: and u would miss texting me if alien abducts me ;))

minkii: why am I still talking to you again?

jibooty: ur bored?

jibooty: u can't resist park jimin's explosive charms?

jibooty: or ur really desperate for my attention

minkii: /scoffs


jibooty: ........

jibooty: damn u rite

A/n: just a filler... Sorry its still suck :/ forgive me :)

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