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minkii: jimin I'm sorry

minkii: did u jack off yesterday

jibooty: yea I did

jibooty: it's all because of u

jibooty: and u need to fucking pay when we meet

minkii: but...

minkii: who said we're going to meet??

minkii: ha bitch

jibooty: no

jibooty: we are going to meet up

jibooty: whether u like it or not

jibooty: and you better show up or else I'll fuck you when you sleep

jibooty: fo real

minkii: oh wow I'm so scared

minkii: jimin is my weakness

jibooty: bitch I'm being serious here

jibooty: we talk and I feel you're comfortable around me

jibooty: we talk for at least a month or some shit

jibooty: and I don't know ur fucking name for fucks sake

minkii: language boy

jibooty: don't fucking tell me what to do

minkii: well damn

minkii: ok den

jibooty: we are going to meet!

minkii: no



minkii: make me

jibooty: I don't make trash I burn it ;)

minkii: u fucking shit

jibooty: minkii, I know you want to do this.

jibooty: part of you does want to meet me

jibooty: don't denied it

minkii: yeah

minkii: part of me does

jibooty: ???!!!!?!?!

jibooty: aRE U FOR REAL

jibooty: /rolls like a buffalo

jibooty: uRrajahvsosnaj

minkii: but the other part of me wants to stuff you in a full-body blender and make a fuckboy smoothie

minkii: :)

jibooty: fuck you minkii

minkii: ;)

A/n: a v v v v short (I think) chapter because I might be not updating frequently so

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