She didn't respond in a while, but she was holding me for a long time clinging onto my neck.

I was going to ask her again until I felt her hand retract from my neck and reach out to something behind me.

Before I can turn around I felt her being lifted from my arms. I turned around and saw Asher holding her in his arms soothing her.

"Awe sweetheart it's okay, Mama will be back."

She just kept on holding onto him. I think she was mostly stalling so we couldn't leave.

"How about your Mommy, me and you watch all the princess movies you want tonight."

She raise her head up to this, and smiled a little.

"Do you Pwromise?" She asked in her little voice.

He gave her a big smile and said "absolutely."

"Now go say bye to your Mom so she can go to work okay?"


Asher put Miya down on floor. She ran to me hugging my legs with her little arms.

"Bye Mama love you!" She screamed in my legs.

I bend down my head and kissed her on the forhead. "Love you babygirl, I'll see you later okay, be good for Jane alright?"

She nodded her head and ran to Asher again. He picked her up in his arms, and then looked back at me.

"So I'll see you tonight for a Disney marathon." He said with a smirk.

He will use this to trap me, and make sure I won't go anywhere. Which I won't anyway, it was an only one time thing and it was actually for him.

To see what Jason knew about what Asher  feels for me. I also think he was using this to make sure that I would be okay tonight because of this Stacey situation or something.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight." I cringed my words but put on a fake smile so Miya wouldn't think anything of it.

She might be adorable and cute, but she catches on to things quick, too quick sometimes for my own liking.


He said looking at me one last time before giving Miya a kiss on the forehead, and walking out of the living room.

I turned to Jane and she kind of had a shock look on her face because of Asher and I.

I'm pretty sure she knew what was going on at this point. Which was kind of surprising, because everytime she saw us we were arguing.

Or I was telling her stories about us arguing. I gave her a faint guilty smile.

"That face written on your face is how I've been feeling since last night." I said chuckling a little bit.

"I  bet." She said laughing a little as well. I then laughed a little more, and then she did. All of sudden we were both laughing so hard we couldn't catch our breath.

After a long laugh, it started to dwindle down, and then there was an awkward pause.

"I'm happy for you." She said all of a sudden.

"Really, you are?" I asked.

"Yeah, I really am."

I smiled a little to her.

"And besides I totally called it from the beginning." She said rolling her eyes in a joking manner.

I chuckled a little at that. "Thanks Jane, I really appreciate it. Oh, and Asher should be coming home a little early so you shouldn't have to stay long with Miya."

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