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Song of the chapter :
Broken Clocks by SZA
Emily's POV
Sunday: June 14, 2017
I woke up not ready to leave my bed. I waited about 10 minutes and i finally got out of bed. I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 10:45am. I saw I had 3 text messages so I quickly replied
Daniiii boy 💛💛-heyyy best friendddd
Me-hii bestieee
Jackyyyy💕👀- EMMMMM
Jackyyyy💕👀- I LOVE YOU
Me-what did you do??
Jackyyyy💕👀-nothing why?
Lucy(Manager)-Good morning Em don't forget you have a audition at 1pm ,a meeting at 4pm, a photo shoot at 6pm, and you have to pack for Hawaii, i'll pick you up at 12 to take you to your audition.
Me- K thanks Lucy :)
I quickly changed into a white Thrasher shirt with blue lettering and red outlines, tight blue jeans, and white converse. After that I straightened my hair and put on a bit of makeup since today was going to be a productive day.
Once I finished it was 11:30am so I made a quick fruit bowl and waited for Lucy to get here. Once I finished eating I brushed my teeth and decided to get on my phone and go on Instagram because my notifications were blowing up. I went to the pictures I was tagged in and instantly regretted it. I dropped my phone as tears dropped from my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I waited there empty minded, I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I didn't want to get up and see who it was. They knocked again so I decided just to get up and open the door. It was Lucy. "Em what happened!!" she said as she wiped away my tears I couldn't seem to talk so I just looked over at my phone and she reached over to get it "Oh honey"she said in a mom voice as she inspected to picture, it was a picture of Jack kissing another girl at a party. "Come on Em enough crying over this boy you're better than that"she said "You don't understand" I said and cried while covering my face "I'm sure but I'm also sure if we don't get going right now we're gonna be late for everything and it's going to be worst on you so get your butt and up get your makeup bag because if you wanna nail this audition you have to look your best on your worst days"she said and of course she was right I nodded and got my stuff ready to leave. We got in the car and I added a little more makeup on so i wouldn't look as bad, I asked Lucy if we could get Starbucks and her being the best manager she said yes. We went through the drive thru because there was barely a line and ordered our drinks. This was gonna be a long car ride.
45mins later
We finally got to the audition place I wasn't really nervous I'm used to these type of auditions by now I was just upset because of what had happened, but I guess that'll help me do better because the character I was auditioning for was upset for some reason.
*After Audition*
I finished the audition and thought I did pretty good, now for the rest of this busy day.
I was finally done with the meeting and now was time for my photoshoot I quickly went back home because the place was near my house. I got out of the car when suddenly got a text from Daniel.
Daniiii boy 💛💛- Emmmm im bored save mee
Me- dani i have a photoshoot in 30
Daniiii boy 💛💛-can i come??
Me-if you want
Daniiii boy 💛💛-your house ??
Daniiii boy 💛💛-be there in 10
I was getting my stuff ready when heard the door bell ring, it was Daniel. I got my stuff and we left for the shoot.
We got to the place where they were having the photoshoot and they were doing my hair and makeup and Daniel was snapchatting it, smh. He took a picture of me getting my hair done and he captioned it "bae getting ready for a photoshoot 😍😍". "Watch it seavey" I said jokingly and he smiled.
I was in the middle of my shoot when my phone started buzzing non stop. Then Daniels phone started going off. The photographer stopped taking pictures and I hurried to check my phone. I looked at the screen and saw a lot of people tagging me on this drama page with the recent pictures from Danis snapchat, old pictures of Jack and I, and pictures of that other girl kissing Jack, the caption read
"🐸☕️ @/EmilyB @/SeaveyDaniel @/
JackAveryMusic" I looked up at Daniel and he kissed my forehead. Daniel was commenting on the post "1.No Em and I are not a thing, not yet atleast 2. Jack and her were never together not gonna throw shade he knows what he did and what went down. 3 Dont come @ me and her, Em had to pause her shoot bc her phone was blowing up"he wrote and I smiled at the fact he said "not yet atleast".
After the photoshoot we decided to go to Daniels and just hangout there since it was getting late.
We got to Daniels house and decided to play Call of duty on his X box. We played for about 2hours and it started to get later so he just let me stay the night. He let me borrow his black nike joggers and his grey thrasher hoodie, I think I'm starting to catch feelings for him. When I finished changing into the clothes he gave me I got out of the bathroom to find him taking off his shirt, I was trying not to stare but ugh he's so hott "Take a picture babe it lasts longer"He said and winked I knew he was joking but I took my phone out and went on snapchat "Smile for the chatsnap " I said as I took the picture and posted it with the caption "late nights w/him 😻💛"
"Hey Em" Daniel said while we were cuddling on his bed watching Netflix
"Yes Dani" I said
"I love you"He said sincerely, I turned to look at him and said "Dani I love you so much". He leaned in and kissed my lips, I kissed back "You look good in my clothes by the way"he said looking at me and winked and I said "Take a picture it'll last longer" and winked back which ofc he did as I said and took a blurry picture of me covering my face wearing his clothes and captioned it "Baby wearing my clothes😻😩💖" and I punch his arm lightly and he pretended to be hurt "Ow babe that hurt" he said faking "Awe do you want me to kiss it better"I said "Yes"he said knowing I was joking and pulled me into a kiss not with his arm but with his lips "All better" he said smirking when we pulled back "Dani when did you become so smooth??"I asked shaking me head "I've always been smooth babe" He replied with a smirk.
*Daniels POV*
Emily was perfect and I just wanted her to be mine already. We've played COD for 2hrs and it was getting late so i told her she could sleep at my house and gave her my clothes to change into. We were watching a movie on Netflix and I just decided to tell her how i felt. Turns out she feels the same, I decided to just go in and kiss her, she kissed back. After the movie ended we were just on our phones for a bit when she got a text from Jack "Babe are you ready for our Hawaii trip tomorrow??❤️" it read. Wth she didn't tell me she was with Jack. "Why is Jack calling you babe??!"I said not yelling but loudly "Don't ask me, we're not a thing" she said and shed a tear "Do you have feelings for him?!" I said and got up and sat on the bed "D-Dani h-he broke me"she quietly said and more tears streamed down her face "What's this Hawaii trip??" i asked "I might as well just tell you the whole story"she said.
She told me everything that happened and I couldn't believe Jack that dumb ass f boy. I decided to text him.
me- how could you do that to her, that's so messed up
jack- what are you talking about
me- why would you play Emily like that??!
jack-I didn't mean to that girl kissed me first
me- why is it photographed and all over drama pages then??
jack-her friend took the picture they set me up. Is Em mad at me??
me- why don't you ask her yourself
jack- daniel don't be like that
me -You should've said the same thing to yourself before u kissed that other girl
After that he didn't reply.
Emily's POV
I was on Snapchat watching storys when Jack texted me "Babe are you ready for our Hawaii trip tomorrow??❤️" it read Daniel saw and was a little mad about it but i told him everything and he texted Jack then Jack texted me again.
Jack- Em I'm soo sorry I don't know what was going threw my head I was set up please forgive me I really like you, that girl meant nothing to me please let me make it up to you in Hawaii I don't want to loose you
Me- Jack I'm not going to fully trust you that easily but i'm going to forgive you and go to Hawaii with you because I don't want to be a salty prick and loose our friendship, but please don't make me regret this
Jack-Thank you Em i promise you won't regret this💕💕
I told Daniel that Jack and I were cool now but he looked really annoyed. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked Dani "Nothing just that you're going to Hawaii without me for a week and Jack has a huge crush on you and he's probably gonna try and take you away from me"he replied sad "Dani no one's going to take me away from you and when i get back I promise we'll go on vacation just the two of us plus I don't know if I can fully trust Jack again" I said and hugged him and he hugged back "Okay I trust you Em"he said and we went to sleep with his arm wrapped around me.

A/n I don't know if I like this chapter but comment ideas for the next one !
Also sorry for and grammar or spelling mistakes.

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