"I-I'm sorry D-Daddy." I cried.

"It's okay baby, you're forgiven. Now, go and say sorry to Papa, he's in the kitchen, and then go get me your phone." He said and I nodded.

I went into the kitchen first and saw Papa sitting at the table doing some of his course work.

"I'm sorry Papa." I said and he motioned for me to go over to him.

"I forgive you baby." He said and rubbed my back. "Did Daddy spank you?" He asked and I turned beet red but nodded.

"Yeah." I practically whispered.

"Well I'll start making some breakfast. You go cuddle with Daddy because you might not know this but it hurts him when he has to spank you boys as well. Your sheets are in the wash." Papa said and I nodded and left.

I got my phone from my room and gave it to Dad.

"Now later on Lilly is coming to babysit you because Papa and I have to take Niall and Harry to an extracurricular school trip. We'll be back late tonight so I think Lilly will just stay over." He said.

"Why can't Justin just come over?" I asked.

"Because Josh and him are going out tonight and you really hurt his feelings last night." Dad said and I sighed.

"Does he hate me?"

"No baby, not at all. He was the one that carried you out of the party last night. Give him a phone." Dad said.

"You have my phone."

"There's this thing called a landline." He laughed.

"Oh okay."

I went over to the house phone and dialled Justin's number. Yes I know it off by heart, problem?

It rang four times before he picked up.



"Oh, hey Zayn. Do you want me to get Justin?" He asked.

"Yes please."

"Zayn?" Justin said into the phone.

"I-I'm sorry Justin." I cried. "I didn't mean to dance with Jay. I don't know what I was thinking last night. Please don't hate me."

"Baby, shh. Listen to me. I could never hate you. I was a bit upset last night but I still love you."

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are baby. I'll come over tomorrow and we can have a movie day and cuddle, yeah? This is all forgotten about now."

"I'm grounded though." I pouted.

"I'm sure your Dad will let me in." Justin said.

"Yeah, maybe."

"That means you have to be an extra good boy today and be on your best behaviour to get on your Dad's good side. Don't argue back with anything."

Ohana (Lilo family) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें