Chapter 66: Or is it Not?

Start from the beginning

People are rushing around the studio trying to get everything ready for people to come in.

"Isn't that Nick." I nodded in the direction of the tall brown haired boy. He was talking to Abby, Miss T, D and Guy.

The Dance Moms camera men are also here to film some of the meet and greet. They probably know this will cause drama later, as in after break. I'm pretty sure it will myself, and I'm definitely not looking forward to that.

Having them here means that the producers are everywhere, the camera men are everywhere, everyone is just kind of all over the place.

"Uh yeah I think so." Maddie answered looking in the direction of the cluster.

"Do you think Abby gave him the job?"

"I hope so. I mean he's an amazing choreographer, dancer, and he's definitely a people person."

"We'll I hope the best for him. He seems pretty cool. Didn't he say he'll find out after the break?"

"Yeah I think so. He probably is just helping out with the meet and greet today."

"Yep." I agreed. "We should go see what's up."

"Mhm." Maddie and I walked over to the group.

"Oh good you girls are ready. Perfect timing because the doors are opening in thirty minutes." Abby noticed the two of us.

"Cant wait." Maddie answered.

"Yeah it's going to be so much fun." I added smiling. The meet and greet is going to be so much fun I can't wait. We're going to be doing games with the fans, dance, a Q&A, and of course actually getting to meet the fans.

"Good because I hope you girls have fun. Also I forgot to tell you girls, but don't tell the fans about the video, just hint at a big surprise. I don't want to give it away yet." Abby explained. Maddie and I nodded our heads showing Abby we understand.

Abby's phone started ringing and she looked down at it. "Hold on one second I have to take this." Abby walked down the hallway going into the back parking lot to take her call.

"D what are you doing here?" Maddie asked happy to see her. D is awesome and she's super fun. The last time we saw her was at the Christmas special. She was the one helping us backstage. But she also does the professional hair and makeup at certain competitions.

"Well Abby called me up and said she needed help with the meet and greet. I have nothing better to do today, so here I am." D chuckled.

"Well that's great." I laughed.

"Come here girls I need a picture with you guys. It's been too long since I've last seen you." D pulled out her phone and Maddie and I came over to her. We stood on either sides of her. "Nick do me a favor and take the picture." D held the phone out to Nick. I guess Maddie and I were right that is him.

"Sure thing." Nick chuckled taking the phone.

The three of us put our arms around each other and Nick took the picture. D smiled when she looked at it and posted it to her instagram @ddkaz. She captioned the picture, Getting ready for these girl's Meet and Greet @KatieRose @MaddieZiegler @NickDobbss @GuyGroove @TheRealAbbyLee @ALDCLA

Abby walked into the studio calling my name. What did I do? "Katie come here I need to talk to you outside." Abby motioned for me to come to her and I did. The camera men followed me.

I walked out the door to follow Abby out back. "No cameras get out!" Abby yelled at them. She slammed the door in their faces not letting them come out. We walked away from the glass door so they can't see us anymore.

Abby began to get down to sit on the ground. "Sit down sweetie." Abby instructed and I did as she asked.

What is going on? Why is Abby acting like this? Why cant the cameras come? They always are allowed to come, even in the most terrible moments when people are trying to have a private conversation. My mind is swarming with questions and I don't even know what to think.

"W-What's going on?" I asked stumbling over my words.

"Katie." Abby paused gathering her thoughts. "I just got a call from a really nice lady from Dallas Texas."

Texas that's where my mom is! Dallas Texas! This has to be about my mom. "Does that lady know about my mom?" I asked happily.

Abby instantly frowned. "She's does but... It's not really a good thing."

"What happened! Did she loose the case?" My eyes began to fill with tears. I need answered now!

"Your mother did actually win the case getting full custody. But that's not really what this is about. Katie." Abby sighed, "You're an amazing little girl. I want you to know that no matter what happens next." Abby paused, "What I'm going to tell you... It's going to be alright."

I'm more than worried right now. Whatever she says next may dramatically change the rest of my life. What could be wrong though? She won the court case getting full custody. Life is suppose to be good now isn't it?

Or is it not?

{AHHHH I FEEL LIKE IM AN EVIL LITTLE DEMON LEAVING YOU GUYS ON THIS CLIFFHANGER!!! Thoughts? Opinions? What do you guys think is going to happen! Let me know in the comments. I love you guys so much and I hope you still like me even thought I just crushed your souls... Sorry? Make sure to favorite this chapter and follow me if you want updates when I post! If you want to be one of the first to read the next chapter you should go do that! :) Anyways thanks for being so supportive everyone I love you guys so much and I have been rescued from my writers block so yay! Love you guys! 😘}

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•Word Count 1743•

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