Chapter 13: We got Bowling fans

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When we walked into the Studio, we started stretching on the floor while we waited for Abby to come.

"Hey, we're going bowling at 6:00 at 'Oliver's Bowling Center' You guys want to come?" Nick asked us girls.

I was about to say that we were actually couldn't because we had to pack. I knew packing wouldn't take but twenty minutes, but I didn't really want to be sucked into crushing on the boys like Kendall was. Sadly Kendall answered before I could decline.

"Yeah, that sounds fun! We'll meet you guys there at 6:00." Kendall responded.

"Great, we'll be there." Sam responded.

A few moments later Abby walked into the room with a big smile on her face. "Hello everyone!" Abby said smiling.

"Hi Miss Abby." Many of us said.

"Okay today we're going to be working on turns in a Pas de duex, so please get with your partner."

Nick walked over me stood next to me as the other boys moved to their partners as well.

"Okay I want to see you guys Channe across the floor." Abby instructed. "Boys I just need you to grab onto your partners waisted and help them spin across the room." Abby said happily.

After we finished working on turns we worked on lifts and technique.

When the practice ended, us girls went back to the den and began changing our ballet shoes and putting on Jazz shoes instead.

"Kendall why would accept going to bowling! We have to pack tonight!" I said kind of annoyed.

"Relax it doesn't take but 30 minutes to pack." Kendall said taking off her ballet shoes.

"I'm sorry I freaked out. It's my first competition and my perfectionist self wants everything 100% perfect." I Replied.

"That's okay!" Kendall said smiling. "But I promise you everything is going to turn out just find." Kendall reassured.

Kendall walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Thanks Ken." I said. "I really needed that."

"No problem Kay." Kendall replied. Basically from there out the girls decided they liked the nickname 'Kay' so they starting calling me that.

After we finished the classes from the rest of the day Abby gave me a private. Soon after my mom and I went home.

"Hey mom would it be okay if I went bowling at 6 o' clock?"  I asked my mom when we walked into my house.

"Uh sure, need a ride?" My mom asked.

"No I think I'm actually going to ride my bike. The bowling alley is just a little ways away." I replied.

"Okay, just be safe." My moms said sitting down to watch some tv.

"I will, I'm just going to go get changed walking upstairs."

"Okay." My mom answered.

I went upstairs and took my dance clothes off from under my normal clothes. Then I put my pastel blue crop top, and my grey joggers back on.

After I changed I took my hair down and curled it. I set my bag down next to my bed. My bed had a light blue bedspread  and a fuzzy mint green blanket was neatly folded across the end of my bed.

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