Dragon's of the Silver Trilogy Pt2

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Mastery: A master of gravity would be able to control the area around them in increasing accuracy. They would be able to create extremely strong areas in one are and completely opposite forces in another. At the peak of their abilities they can even manipulate time with gravity and also create a black hole at will.

Other: A gravity dragon's equilibrium is often considered one of the three deadliest, next to void and mind.


Rarity: Practically extinct

Category: Energy (Though this is under debate)

Characteristics: Void dragons are a medium sized dragon, around the same size as a fire dragon. They have dark purple scales with a lighter underbelly. They have a small spikes running down the length of their back. Their eyes often are purple or black, and they have six horns on their head. Three on either side with the longest being at the top. Each of their horns is also serrated, and they have reasonably hard scales.

Powers: Void, or rift dragons, are able to manipulate the rift energy that is present between the void and earth. This allows them to open portals into a dimension known as the void, which is absent of everything, including light, sound and even time. They are able to elongate their rifts into a purple beam of energy. Powerful void dragons can create multiple portals at once and absorb void energy into themselves. Some have even been known to time travel.

Strengths: The ability of void dragons to disappear into the void and reappear makes them incredibly difficult to hit and/or trap. They are able to get in quickly to deal damage and then escape just as quickly, making them very frustrating to do battle with. Their portals also make for a great defence as they are able to block most attacks with it.

Weaknesses: For a void dragon to be able to enter one of their rifts, they need to be able to move to do so. If they are forced to stand still or are trapped in a way that keeps them from moving, they will be unable to teleport. This makes them weak against ice dragons, for an ice dragon is able to withstand the cold they dish out and able to trap them rather easily as can a crystal dragon. Despite their size, they are often not very physically strong either.

Equilibrium: When a void dragon reaches this point they become rift energy. This enables them to split apart the very fabric of reality in bring the void into earth's dimension. Like this they can take away all heat, light and engulf everything in a certain area in the void. It would make everything become black, and anything not able to withstand breathlessness would die.

Mastery: A master of the void would be able to control the energy around him/her with precision and accuracy, creating void portals wherever and whenever they wish. They would be able to draw on the void to create shields and warp void energy to make the area around them absent of whatever they wish. The laws of time would no longer apply to them.

Other: This species is the only species of dragon that has not reached equilibrium at all. This is a good thing, because the day one does is the day the world dies.


Rarity: Practically extinct

Category: Physical

Characteristics: Metallic dragons are a slightly larger than average species of dragon. At thirty they would be a little large then a large car. They have soft pale yellow scales, transparent wings and a long flimsy body, but most of this is protected by a metallic 'shell' on their back, the shell usually covering their tail, wings, back and the top half of their neck and head. They have two horns on their head. The metal on their wings is naturally razor sharp.

Powers: A metal dragon is able to breath a liquid metal that solidifies on impact, often seen as the strongest substance on earth. They can also breath small 'bullets' and 'cannonballs' at will. Their metal shell can expand and contract to either cover their whole body or cover nothing at all. Powerful metal dragons can warp their shell to create blades and other objects that they may need.

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