Chapter Two

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Always (Fourth Installment Of The Hunger Games)

Chapter 2

"So, Peeta. I'm sure everyone tuning in wants to know,"

He glanced at the camera before finishing, "what the hell happened since the last time we saw you?"

Peeta pursed his lips. I'll always envy how he can easily put his thoughts and feelings into words. He opened his mouth and told Ceasar everything. About the ending of the Quarter Quell, about District 13, and about how Snow hijacked his thoughts with venom. He left out anything involving me.

While he spoke, Ceasar gasped and let out the occasional "Oh no." He looked so sympathetic. But his next question, took me so far back in time it seems odd.

"Wow, you've sure went through a lot. And I'm sorry about Katniss losing the baby, but are there any plans on another one?"

I had forgotten that the world thinks I lost my imaginary baby.

"Well you see, I've lied to you. A lot." Peeta looked at me, sitting out of view of the camera. "About Katniss and I."

"Well, we all do that every once in a while!" He smiled, and played it off as nothing. "So what's the real story?"

"Remember what I told you in our first interview, about Katniss?" He asked.

"Yes, you said you love her."

"That wasn't completely tFrue."

Ceasar gasped, and looked shocked at the camera. We're sitting in my livingroom, and cameras and lights are everywhere. Two of our chairs are in the middle of the room, with Ceasar and Peeta occupying them.

"I loved her at that point, yes, but I said it for popularity. To get good sponsors. Katniss didn't say she loved me until a few months ago." He looked a little hurt, that it took me so long to realize it.

"What about what we saw in the arena's?" He questioned.

"Part of the act. To get gifts from sponsors. But during everything, I loved her. I loved her since I was little."

Ceasar smiled at Peeta's loving me. "Then how did she finally come around and love you back?"

"We..." He stopped, and this is the first time he's ever been at a loss for words. "We're all we have. Without eachother, we would both be long gone."

"Lets bring Katniss in, shall we?" That was my cue. One of the other workers rolled in another chair, and I went to sit in it. Peeta's hand quickly found mine. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Katniss, do you love Peeta?"

The way he said it was odd. And the fact that he opened the questioning with that.

"Yes," I said without hesitation. "I do." I gave his hand a squeeze.

"How perfect." Ceasar smiled widely, and formed a heart with his fingers. "Where do you think you'd be without him?"

"Dead." I didn't know what I was saying, until I said it. The way I spoke sounded like it was so obvious. "I mean, for months, I gave up. On everything, on life. I didn't know until recently that I had no reason to keep going, because there was no Peeta," I drew in a shaky breath. "He's like that dandelion that gives me hope."

Ceasar wiped tears from his eyes. "Such a beautiful couple. So Peeta, I believe you have something you would like to ask Katniss, while you are on air. Correct?"

Ask me? On air? My mind tried to find a question he might ask me, but I just drew blank.

"Yes, thank you Ceasar." Peeta rose from his seat, and locked eyes with me as he knelt down onto one knee in front of me.

I looked at him with confused and frantic eyes, until I realized what was coming. Just haven't found the right moment to ask me.

"Katniss," He said, not sounding confident. This is probably the most nervous I've ever seen Peeta. "I love you, more than anything, and I want you to be officially mine, forever." His hands fumbled into his pocket, and drew out a small black box.

I found myself leaning towards him, my breathing increasing. I know my mother is watching this, crying with joy. On the other hand, Gale is furious.

When Peeta opened the box, I gasped. A simple silver band, with a pearl instead of a diamond. A pearl. A pearl!

I managed to choke out what I needed to know. "Is-- is that? Is that the--?"

He quickly nodded. "The pearl from the arena, yes." He took my hand, and asked the question. "Katniss Everdeen, will you marry me?"

Always (Fourth Installment Of The Hunger Games) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now