Chapter 8|Star Chaser

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It was the first day that Ravenclaw was playing Hufflepuff. I walked out in my quidditch robe and grabbed my firebolt. (They probably don't exist in this time period but bear with me.) My parents bought it for me and the rest of the team as an apology/birthday gift, for never getting me birthday gifts. I've been playing quiddich since before I started hogwarts. Newt said he'd be there, but was awfully suprised to see him walk out with the hufflepuff team as their star chaser.

"You play quidditch?" Excitement gleaned in my eyes. I was a seeker and the captain, but I could still practice with him.

"Yeah," he glanced at me with a confused look on his face. The rest of the team followed behind me.

"Stop flirting with the Salamander," my team snickered.

"Sod off," I turned to them. "Remember I have all the power on in this field. Tease me again, and you'll be doing so many laps around the grounds, you'll wish you never met me." I motioned them to follow me and I pivoted, my team on my heels. I mounted my broom and flew out, moving to the middle of the field. I nodded to the captain and the snitch was released. I searched for it and grabbed a bludger and passed it to Caroline, who threw it right in the goal. I instantly caught sight of the snitch and immediately dove down to catch it. I followed it around the pitch, along with the hufflepuff seeker. I sighed and went faster, pulling up abruptly and catching it.

"Alice Pontmeir caught the snitch!" They announced. "Ravenclaw wins!" Our house was cheering like crazy, and we were doing good this year.

I mounted my broom again and flew up to Newt. "Good game," I told him. He looked frazzled. "You alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah," he smiled at me. "Congrats." He kissed me on the cheek lovingly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I flew down. "I have a party to attend." I walked back to the common room with the team. There was a banner that said 'Ravenclaw rules' and they were marking another win. It was 4 a.m. when the party settled down. It was only the quidditch team left, sitting around on the couch. Thankfully tomorrow was the weekend. I was casting small charms, as they illuminated the room. They were non verbal, but fun and pretty to cast. The team was talking about the ball. I sighed and cast a spell to clean the common room. We were all having a glass of butterbeer, that our chaser, Kayla, brought from the kitchen.

"Did he ask you to the ball yet?" Henry turned to me.

"Who? Newt?" I rhetorically asked. "Yeah he did."

"What did you say?" Caroline, who was a beater, asked.

"If course I said yes," I toyed with my necklace."We should all go shopping for the ball tomorrow, but Newt has to come."

"Yeah, sure," they all replied.

"I'd love to get to tease Newt more about you," Timothy teased. He was also a chaser.

"Stop it guys," I whined. "You know he's shy."

"Who's shy?" I heard Newt's voice as he entered the common room.

"Nobody," Tim snickered.

"Dear," I got up to hug him. "What're you doing here? It's late."

"Why are you up?" He rubbed his nose with mine before taking my hand and moving to sit with the team. "I couldn't sleep without you," he mumbled with a yawn. He layed
across an empty couch and put his head on my lap on my request. I ran my fingers through his tousled hair.

"Star chaser, eh mate," Henry smiled.

"Yeah," Newt replied, sinking into my touch and closing his eyes.

"When'd you start playing?" Tim asked him.

"I started playing when I was ten?" It was more of a question. "I honestly don't remember. I learned to fly so I could take care of my mum's hippogriffs. She was a breeder."

"He's more interesting then I thought he would be," Alex, my other beater piped up. Newt's eyes fluttered open and he blushed red.

"I'm not that interesting," he smiled.

"Yes you are love," I looked down at him. "If you're tired, sleep." He nodded and closed his eyes.

"He's not annoying," Kayla mentioned when he fell asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair, fixing it.

"He's not," I looked at her. "He just rambles sometimes. I actually find it absolutely adorable."

"You really like him mate," Henry looked at me.

"Yeah I do," I smiled at them. We talked until we started to fall asleep. It was Henry first. Then Caroline who curled up to Dylan, our last chaser. Then he fell asleep. Tim drifted eventually. Kayla fell asleep hugging Alex, who had fallen asleep earlier, and I drifted off almost immediately after Kayla.

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I woke up on the floor with Newt next to me, Kayla in front of me with Alex resting on Kayla's side. Dylan and Caroline were on the couch and Tim was next to Newt with Henry on top of him. How did this happen? I have no clue. I checked Newt's poketwatch and it was noon. Someone burst into the common room which caused us all to groan and wake up.

"Oh, sorry," the first year apologized.

"You're fine," I told her. "Guys wake up, we're going to miss the carriages. We all hurried to get ready. I put on a simple outfit, but warm because it was starting to become winter.

 I put on a simple outfit, but warm because it was starting to become winter

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I also grabbed my gray long trench coat and my necklace that Newt have me. (I know this isn't the style for the time period but I don't care. If you don't like it, dont read it.) We ran to the carriages, which wasn't easy with heels. When we settled into the carriage we all groaned from the lack of sleep. I leaned on Newt and he wrapped an arm around me. I moved closer to him and loosely snaked my arms around his broad torso. He smiled down at me and soon enough we were there.

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I got carried away with the length... two chapters in a day! Yay! How's school?

TERRIBLE. I don't want to go back. And look at Eddie up there, doing his photo shoot. I might start an Eddie Redmayne fanfic, but I don't know how that will work out. I also figured out a name for you guys ♡♡. You are now my treasure stealing nifflers!! Just nifflers, but they are adorable aren't they?

- Alice♡

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