Chapter 27: Jiraiya Returns! Another legendary Sannin? Tsunade the Slug Queen!

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 "Damn it...." Naruto let out grabbing onto the ground pulling himself up from the water. Try after try the Uzumaki made small progress on the boiling water, a determinate look in his eyes, something no matter how hard you train would never be able to gain. Persistence. Splash. Splash. Splash.

Ebisu looked to Naruto, trying to keep a straight face but just couldn't help the small smile the boy brought to his lips as he thought about Konohamaru.

"You're unusually spirted today honorable grandson!" Ebisu said in joy watching the young boy doing his push-ups, picking himself up off the ground if he fell, determinate to get to his goal for the day. 

Ebisu had proud plastered on his slightly paled face, 'My principle of guidance has finally gotten through!' he thought to himself. 

"This would ordinarily be the time to go carry out a surprise attack on Lord Hokage." "I've stopped doing that now!" Konohamaru said continuing his push-ups not looking up. "That's right! So you have finally understood! That the shortcut to becoming the Hokage is to do as I say-" "There are no shortcuts!" Konohamaru interrupted. "Brother Naruto said, 'If you're to become Hokage be prepared for that!'" 

~FlashBack End~

Ebisu got lost in thought of the boy who made Konohamaru more confident in himself and train harder than he ever saw. "Hey I think I'm getting the hang of this!" Naruto said ot himself, continuing to try before a blur of white caught his attention, he managed to point in the direction screaming waiting for the impact of the steaming water to his back.

"What is it?" Ebisu muttered before turning to the direction Naruto pointed at. Ebisu pushed his glasses up his face, seeing a man with white hair dressed in red peeking into the Women's bath, "Hmph, are you peeking into the women's bath old man? I will not allow any inappropriate behavior!" He shouted running towards the mysterious man, the white haired man looked towards the charming Ebisu annoyed. Summoning a frog to take care of the annoying Konoha Ninja, the frog's tongue shot out of his mouth and wrapped itself around Ebisu's waist. Lifting up the man into the air, the frog immendiantly slammed his body into the ground. The long slimy pink tongue retreated back to the frog's mouth, "Don't make a rucus! Jeez, it won't do much good to be found out!" The man said to Ebisu. 4

Naruto who was watching the whole time eye's widen, his mouth dropping slightly. T.....The closet P.........Perv....lost...!? W....What's with Shamless Perv!?!

Naruto walked up to his knocked out "Sensei", "Oi....Closet Pervert..." Naruto called out slightly before crouching down putting his fingers together and poking Ebisu in the butt. "Leaf Village Secret Finger Justu: A Thousand Years of Death!" The whiskered boy sweatdropped standing up, "He's totally knocked out... I knew it... He is weak, sure enough." Averted his attention to the man still sitting on his frog he yelled out, "What's with that big frog? What the heck are you?" The man with white hair smirked doing a very dramatic hair flip, "Thank you for asking! People know me as the Mountain Toad, spirt sage who acquires immortality, also commonly called the Toad Mountain Sage, also known as Jirayia!" "M-Mountain Sage?" The Leaf ninja further questioned to the man. The man nodded to the young boy's statement.

"Hey..! Hey Pervy Sage, what're you going to do about this! He was supposed to watch my training! You did that to him!" Naruto exclaimed balling his fist up. "He was interfering with my research." "Research?"

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