Chapter 4: You Failed! Kakashi Final Decision!

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  Naomi p.o.v.
"AHHH HE GOT BLASTED WITH SHURIKEN!! ARE YOU OF YOUR MIND SASUKE!!?" Naruto screamed from the tree he was currently hanging from. I watch in awe, as "Kakashi" turned into a log. A substituting justu. Sasuke quickly went to go find another spot.
I stayed in my spot in tree. Naruto finally got down from the tree only to be captured again by the same trap. "I FELL FOR IT AGAIN!!!!" I sighed from my spot. I ran to where Naruto was and threw a shuriken. "Hey! OW!" He shouted as he fall as his head met the ground. 

"Thanks." You're welcome. Both of our stomachs growled. Man I'm starving. Hey! Naomi! Look there are the lunches! We should work together to get them!' I nodded furiously. Time for the Uzumaki twins to go into action. "Operation get lunch! Is in a go!" We said in unison.

"Sensei told us that, If we don't get a bell." "Then we wouldn't get lunch." I said finishing his sentence. "But if we eat our lunch now then there's nothing he can do.!" Naruto shouted. "Hi, there." A voice said. "We were just joking sensei." We mumbled. "Nice try." After that Naruto and I were both tied to a post." "Operation get lunch was a fail." We both whined.

The bell rang signaling our time was up

Sakura and Sasuke sat down on the ground in front of us. All of our stomachs growled. "Uh, Oh stomachs growling. That's too bad. Oh, by the way about this exercise, well I have decided not to send any of you back to the academy." "What? I passed all I did was faint and fall down, do you get points for that?" Naruto and Sakura were cheering. Wait.....a minute there has to be some sort of catch. "That means all four, all four of us!" Naruto shouted. "That's right all four of you are being dropped from the program. Permanently! " I gasped. "Drop us from the program! That means we will never become ninja! You said if we didn't get the bells then we would get sent back to the academy! YOU CAN'T JUST CHANGE YOUR MIND AND KICK US OUT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"

 "Because you don't think like ninja, you think like little kids. Like brats." Sasuke lunged forward at Kakashi. Kakashi grabbed him and then sat on him. With his foot on Sasuke's head. "Sasuke!" Sakura shouted. "You think it's all about you!" "LET GO OF SASUKE!" "You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's a game huh? Why do you think we put you on Squads! Did you consider that question for a moment!?" That's when the truth hit me in the face. "What do you mean?" Sakura asked. "You didn't even think about what this exercise was about!? Not even close." 

"Huh? What it's about?" Naruto asked still not sure of the answer. "Yes, that's what determines whether you pass or fail." "B-but that's what I wanted to ask you from the beginning." "Three people on a squad why do you think we did that?" "HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW?!" Naruto asked. 

"Teamwork." I whispered. They all looked at me."What was that Naomi?" Kakashi asked me. I sighed. "Teamwork." I said louder. "That's right the answer was teamwork. But it's too late now. If all four of you would have worked together maybe you would have actually passed! Well any way it's over." "Hey! Wait a minute. There were only two bells! But you set it up for four people. If we had actually worked together then only two of us would pass. That would only lead to group conflict and the squad would break up." 

"Exactly, I pitted you against each other. I wanted to see if you could overcome that and put the squad in front of yourselves. A genin should have a natural feeling for teamwork. But you it never crossed your mind. Sakura! You obsessed over Sasuke when Naruto was right in front of you! You didn't bother to lift a finger to help him! Naomi! You figured it out but it was too late by then, if you were on an actually mission then it something terrible would have happened! Naruto! You did everything yourself expect when you and Naomi worked together to get the lunches. You two used teamwork but not the way I wanted you too. And you Sasuke! You thought the others were so far beneath you thought they were worthless. Arrogance! Ninja missions are carried off in squads! Of course you need induvial skills, but teamwork is most essienalt.When individuals put themselves before the squad, that leaves failure and death. For example Sakura kill Naruto now or Sasuke dies!" Naruto Sakura and my eyes opened in shock. "Oh boy that was really scary." Naruto sighed in relief.

The Tale Of The Uzumaki TwinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora